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Have civil libertarians and do-gooders stuffed our society?
6/9/2008 8:29:52 PM

This is an open forum because I value everyone's opinion, not just those who agree with me!

In scores of suburbs around Australia gangs of drunken kids between the ages of 10-15 are roaming the streets at night, assaulting anyone who's unlucky enough to be out taking a stroll. Windows are being smashed in homes while the occupants cower in fear, too frightened to go out and confront the attackers. The police are called, but the kids know they will only cop a smack on the wrist, if they are caught at all. A proposal to pass a law making the parents responsible and be fined for their kid's bad behaviour was shouted down by civil libertarians.

Common sense is taking a belting in the name of civil liberties. This week a notorious pedophile sued the Government because his parole hearing wasn't held on time, and was awarded $7,000. Charges were laid against an outspoken radio host because he revealed the name of a serious pedophile who had been released into the community. The sex offender's name had been supressed in the interests of his rehabilitation. Never mind parent's interests.

A Federal Government proposal to electronically monitor dementia patients is being fought by civil liberties groups because they say it threatens the dignity and respect of the mentally ill. What about the dignity and respect of the families who are sick with worry when their loved ones go missing? Schools and sporting clubs are outlawing parents who take photos of their own children because of the risk it may attract sexual predators. The freedoms of sexual offenders are considered first and foremost.

Common sense died when the indemnity crisis was born. If our child falls over in the playground now you're more likely to be handed the name of a lawyer rather than a doctor. The right to protect yourself and your loved ones has turned in favour of the criminal. If a burgler breaks into your home and threatens your family, and you break his legs with a cricket bat, he can sue, and will win.

Should civil libertarians be gagged and told to butt out?

Fine print: In the aftermath of a recent police raid which exposed a pedophile network here, one of the offenders hung himself. A Member of Parliament said he hoped that the rest would top themselves. I'm inclined to agree.


Flag of Jan Blair

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Re: Have civil libertarians and do-gooders stuffed our society?
6/9/2008 9:44:44 PM



 I don't know how it is in Au.  but here in the USA  they took the control out of the home and  the   kid today have had very little respect taught to them. They do as they please because parent are afraid of going to jail.

When we  were kids if we got  sent  home  we end up with a bigger  punishment than what the school  gave us.

today it is parent abuse

To day   they have no respect for anything not even the law!!

 This is one  reason why they have to  keep building  Jails and   juvenile  facilities

And it all start  with one bitchie woman

 She took  pray out of our schools and everything  has gone  down hill since then

 now  they can't even sing Christmas carol in school no Christmas pageant, no Merry Christmas on  Christmas no  IN GOD WE  TRUST

NO God  Bless America

 There is no one in control; of these  kid because they be come adults at 11 and 12  what can you expect to happen??
 Jannette Blair

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Flag of John Leal

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Re: Have civil libertarians and do-gooders stuffed our society?
6/9/2008 10:55:26 PM

Hi Jannette

Sounds like a carbon copy of Australia. Court judges need to come down a bit harder.

Flag of Jan Blair

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Re: Have civil libertarians and do-gooders stuffed our society?
6/9/2008 11:02:53 PM

Yes the do but on who, or  should I say whom

 It is stime to make examples out of these  kids if they want to live like an adult then treat them  like one no juvie  put them in wioth the hard core   prision.


I say if a  parent can contro;l their kid take them to the court

 and say here you say I can disapline my kid and you have turn them in to brat you take care of them they are out of control.

 There should be a boot camp for kid when they get in to trouble don't send them to juvie to  set on their butt

  they need six week of GI boot camp   I promiose you they won't wantto go  back It should be manatory no if or  butts.





RESTART YOUR LIFE is the Key to Your becoming Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!
Re: Have civil libertarians and do-gooders stuffed our society?
6/9/2008 11:40:59 PM

You are 100% correct. The do gooders have ruined this country. Parents should not be held responsible for what their children do if the parent is not allowed to smack the child. Because a child is taught at school they can't be smacked some kids play on this, and as for schools suspending kids when naughty that is a reward for most kids. Send the kids home on suspension and who looks after them if both parents work. If my kids are suspended I'll ask the school who do I send the bill to for the lost wages I will incur. Yes John, something must be done before it gets worse.

Pissed of parent


Phillip Stone-Tolcher

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