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Peter Fogel

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Re: Add Your New Deal every day!
7/14/2008 2:08:50 AM

Thanks Ken

Hello Friends,

Did you ever want to translate your ad, website or any document into another language at a single click???

Well now you can with ease and simplicity. Try it for free and see for yourselves how easy it is.

If you have any questions please contact me.


Peter Fogel
skype  pfogel1

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Ken Wolff

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Re: New Deal every day!
8/16/2008 1:25:08 PM
Hi Team! I hope you are taking advantage of some of these great tools. Don't forget to register at DealDotCom for you chande to win the Deal of the Day! (It is Free to Join) Write Killer Copy! $10.00 + $0.00 shipping Regularly: $19.00 Salesletter: Format: Zip Delivery: Instant Download Discuss: Write Killer Copy! Copywriting can be such a pain in our behinds. It take alot of trial and error to try and come up with the best copy that is going to convert for your product. What words to use... where to put them... how to position your catch phrases and loop ins... it can all be VERY confusing... and still leave you with copy that doesn't convert. I could lead you down the path of the professional writer... just like me... but that could take years and years to perfect. STOP laughing, I am serious! Good writing skills take time and effort. Most of all, it takes EXPERIENCE to know what works and what doesn't! How would you feel if I told you that I found something that truly works? Would you be happy? Would you believe me? Well I don't have a nose that grows... so here it is! I found a product that will actually produce the results that you've been looking for. Oh that's right, so now instead of converting 1% of web traffic you could now convert 3%. That's tripling your income! I found a report called Killer Copy and the reason why this report is so kick butt is due to the fact that it's been tested and has been proven to really work. Albert Hallado has been around a long time... and he has decided to share with me and you the secrets to his copywriting success! Here let me show you some of what you will discover: *“3-Step Copywriting Formula” - which is used by every successful copywriter on the earth – even if they are not consciously aware of it. *How to turn your biggest obstacle (Getting your reader's attention) Into your biggest advantage? *Two ways to create a sense of urgency in your readers mind. *How to turn your 'features' into irresistible 'benefits' *Plus so very much more... Now many of us should know... it's not easy to make money online. If you have a mindset of being able to do the smallest amount of work and expect a huge return then this product, honestly, isn't for you. However if you are ready and willing to do even just a little bit of work, then Killer Copy is exactly what you need! Are you ready for more money, more time and more happiness? Writing the perfect, converting sales copy is going to be the key your online success... people need to believe that what you are saying is true and are compelled to buy what you are selling! Let Albert guide you to the conversion rates and sales performance you are looking for! I am on my way to hang out at the Beach Club... my work is done for the day! After you finish yours... I'll meet you there. Look for me, I'll be lounging, catching some rays while lounging on my big DealDotCom beach towel! As Always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 day's and if you aren't completely satisfied, receive a full refund.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

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Re: New Deal every day!
8/17/2008 8:04:07 PM
Hi Team! I almost hate to take you away from the last post as many of you will not find it again. If this is your first time hear I would encourage you to check out some of the previous deals. they are all good and tools that we need to use in doing our business online. They are good or I would not post them. You too are invited to post great offers and tools that you use. What is working best for you right now? Another way to find previous deals is to head on over to DealDotCom.Com and register for your chance to win the Deal of the Day! (It is Free to Join) Todays Hot Deal: Ultimate Backlinks $9.00 + $0.00 shipping Regularly: $19.00 Salesletter: Format: Zip Delivery: Instant Download Discuss: Ultimate Backlinks If I was going to offer you an e-book that was going to give you: *The Same Old SEO Steps *Article Marketing and PPC *Social Bookmarking *Requesting for Diggs and Stumbles *Buying a list of Dofollow Blogs *Directory submission or any Blackhat Methods *No link Forms or Blog Forms and PAD Submissions So...what do you think? Would you buy it? *I HOPE NOT!* Why? Because these types of methods can be found ANYWHERE! No, what I have for you is the Ultimate Backlinks E-Book. What this book is going to offer you are *NEW* tactics to backlinking. The methods you will learn from this book stand out from all of the others and all of the information in this book is a result of years of hard work. Now's the time to put an end to using methods that do not work any start using different tactics that actually do. This isn't your normal ebook... it has new strategies that are going to take you online business to the next level. Backlinks are important for every site to have! Page Rank, authority, ranking... all of these things depend on things that are out of your control... or so you thought! Don't wait to get ahold of this wonderful little gem! Your site will be thanking me for showing you this prize! As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 day's and if you aren't completely satisfied, receive a full refund.
Ken Wolff

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Ken Wolff

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Get Your Assignment For Today!
8/23/2008 2:37:50 PM
Operation Affiliate Storm $27.00 + $0.00 shipping Regularly: $77.00 Salesletter: Format: pdf Delivery: download Discuss: Operation Affiliate Storm Okay Soldier, today you have a new mission. This mission is called "Operation Affiliate Storm." Now is your chance soldier, to begin actually making money through affiliate sales. If you have tried and failed, now is your chance to get down on your knees and thank the Lord that we have found you. Want to know what you're moments away from possessing? o 3 Killer tactics you'll use to build awesome, targeted traffic, FREE! o 4 Key strategies you must use when choosing keywords. o The sneaky secret that locks potential customers into your affiliate link. o The subversive keyword tactic that turns searches into a booby-trap that snares buyers and delivers them to you. o The Truth about how you can benefit from the massive wave of expensive products while never spending even a penny of your money. o Plus more! Now you are armed with the weapons that you need to Storm Affiliate Beach, bomb the competition into oblivion and plunder the massive stashes of cash! As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 day's and if you aren't completely satisfied, receive a full refund.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

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Tools we need For Today and Everyday!
8/25/2008 12:32:06 PM
Wordpress Goldmine $27.00 + $0.00 shipping Regularly: $47.00 Salesletter: Format: pdf,zip Delivery: download Discuss: Wordpress Goldmine We see it all the time. There are so many "guru's" out there that are making a ton of cash and many of us are sitting in the dust wondering "how come we aren't. Now is our time to stop doing all things that are wrong so that we can begin to start bringing money in like the guru's do. I have WordPress Goldmine and what this is, is a jam-packed 100 plus page guide that is full of information that has been tried and tested and proven to truly work and help you begin bringing in money. Here take a look at what you'll receive in this guide: * A complete, no holds barred, step-by-step guide at putting together a marketing and traffic generation campaign for getting the clicks that translate to income in the least amount of time. * A complete guide at look at the major resources at your disposal to bring eye-popping traffic to your site. * Tried and True methods of keeping your website in the forefront and without spending a penny on expensive Pay Per Click traffic. * A list of powerful no-cost or low-costs tools to practically put your income generating efforts on auto-pilot! * Watch how to build and promote simple 2 page sites that will earn hundreds of dollars each and every month. These are the methods that you need to be using to help you bring in a ton of cash. Stop making mistakes, get your copy of WordPress Goldmine today and begin doing the right steps. As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 days and if you aren't completely satisfied, receive a full refund.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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