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Here is another one for just $17.00!
6/24/2008 11:41:06 PM

The Millionaire League


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $47.00
Format: PDF, Video
Delivery: Instant Download

The Millionaire League is looking to draft a few new players, and the good news for you is that this league doesn't enforce any kind of drug testing policy.

What is The Millionaire League? It's a great study on proven methods to make money online. It goes more in depth than other products of this type, so especially if you are just starting out online, this would be a great choice to jumpstart your career on the internt.

The testimonials for this product are amazing and I believe them. There are other products like this, but so far this is the best one I've seen.

The Millionaire League includes:

  • Covert Income System The most underrated method to making money online is revealed. In addition, this system comes with a fully loaded resource pack so that you can start making cash in minutes!
  • New Cash Niches Learn how to cash in on new trends that receive high traffic before anyone else. You will be a leader, not a follower. There is a ton of money to be made using this!
  • The BIG 5 The simple forgotten secrets of how to triple your income online without spending a penny. If you can turn on a computer, you can do this!
  • New Money Making Systems, Tips, Strategies And Techniques Added EVERY MONTH Things change every day, especially on the Internet. What works tomorrow, may be better than what works today. That means NEW ebooks, NEW reports, and NEW videos covering the hottest money making topics! By itself, it’s worth its weight in gold.
  • And much much more...
  • As always, this product is backed by DealDotcom's 30-Day Moneyback Guarantee. Give The Millionaire League a tryout for a month, and if it doesn't perform, simply recieve a full refund. So what's the hold up? Grab your membership to The Millionaire League and start making money today!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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4th of July Special!
7/5/2008 1:00:12 AM

You could win the deal of the day:

Head on over and Check out DealDotCom

Power Publicity And Promotions


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $29.95
Format: PDF
Delivery: Instant Download
Does everyone remember years ago how when we were at school if there was a party going on, flyer's would be handed out in between classes or amongst a group of friends? If not... you have seen the movies where people give out flyers about a big party at Howie Lowenstein's place on Friday night! The classic "throw the flyers" routine from the top of the stairs and everyone gets a copy magically fall into their hands?

Or now, how many of us receive invitations to events through Facebook that already have over 30 people RSVP to go.

In fact not even about parties, but concerts, an event going on in your town. We can all walk down our city streets and see a flyer that's been put up for an event that's happening in the near future! Mini concerts, a tea and bazzar, flyers get you noticed and make buzz about your event!

What's great about this form of advertising is that it gets people aware of what's going on and excited about what's going on. Plus it's simple and it's cheap as well. In fact many different ways of getting the word out on the street these day's is almost free, thanks to social networking websites.

In order for us to run a successful business, we all need this type of publicity, right? I mean come on, if nobody knows we exist, how are we going to survive?

You might be thinking that it will cost you an arm and a leg to get that type of publicity for my website, right? Well actually your wrong! Today's deal and the fine folks at Power, Publicity and Promotions is here to help you out!

What you get with Power, Publicity and Promotions is a guide to help you bring in the traffic that you need and the recognition that you need to help keep your business alive.

Power, Publicity and Promotions will also cover:

*How to write a press release to get free publicity (Plus you get a free cut and paste press release and a press release template you can use over and over again!)

*Free advertising Ideas

*Using article marketing to promote your business

*Sending query letters to local and national magazines and newspapers

*Everyone's 'scary' topic - networking! (including tips on both 'face-to-face' and online social networking.)

*Creating and using a blog to obtain media exposure

*And much, much more...

Now you have the power of publicity in your hand just waiting to be used. So what are you waiting for? An awesome deal to get out there and get noticed! What more can you ask for!

As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30-day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 day's and if you aren't completely satisfied, receive a full refund.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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Re: New Deal every day!
7/9/2008 6:00:43 PM
Make this a regular stop to check out the deal of the day, or respond with your best deal. 

You can either respond to one of the deals on this forum or start a thread of your own. 

Sign up free to dealdotcom and be intered in a contest for the deal of the day.

 Go here to sign up:


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $24.95
Format: Membership Site
Delivery: Instand Download

Are you having a hard time trying to find someone to write content for your websites? Finding it hard to find a reliable person to write content for you? Or how about finding someone who you think is reliable, spending loads of money and then waiting for your content or never getting it at all? Or maybe you're just finding it easier to write the content yourself and find yourself losing all hours of your day.

Well then my friends if you said yes to any of these questions then it sounds like you could use "All Finance Content" PLR Membership.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but you shouldn't have to:

* Correct numerous spelling and grammatical errors.
* Rewrite paragraphs or entire articles because the language doesn't make sense.
* Scrap entire articles or end up with one usable paragraph.
* Waste precious time rewording and rewriting articles you are paying good money for.

And that my friend is exactly what All Finance Content is going to do for you! Here, take a look at what you're going to get:

* Writers who have a full command of the English Language
* Fully-Reviewed Content
* Limited Membership
* Fresh Content Each Month
* Perks for Members
* PLR Memberships Allow You To Decide What the Content Is Used For
* And more!

You're going to have access to professional writers to write the content for your websites, so allow yourself to take this burden off your back and get your days back. Allow the experts to write your content, because we all know that the best articles are articles that come from true experience and expertise. Stop the waiting for your content today, and allow yourself the peace of mind of finally getting what you paid for.

As always, this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30-Day Moneyback Guarantee. Try it out for 30 days and if you're not completely satisfied, simply receive a full refund.

So go ahead and get started with All Finance Content today, you won't regret it.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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Re: New Deal every day!
7/12/2008 11:17:24 PM
Happy Saturday!

Here is today's Deal Of The Day:

Free Traffic Voodoo


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $47.00
Format: PDF, Video
Delivery: Instant Download
It's that time of year, the snow's gone, the sun's out, it's hot and what's going on? Construction!

One of the main roads is shut down at the moment and the other main road is pretty much like a Traffic Jam almost 24/7 at the moment! I personally hate being stuck in traffic, it's annoying... hot and everyone is trying to get through as fast as possible... accidents happen... it is just not a good scene!

The only mass amount of traffic that I ever enjoy, is having a mass amount of traffic coming into my website. That's the only time you will ever see me smile when talking about traffic.

Isn't that what we all want though? A mass amount of continuous traffic that is always coming into our websites? Of course we do! Why? Because the more traffic that we can have coming into our websites, the more sales we are going to make. What is even better is *targeted* traffic... you know... people who come to your site... knowing that they are going to buy whatever you are offering.

Say hello everyone to... Free Traffic Voodoo. This puppy right here is what's going to bring in a load of traffic to your website, each and everyday.

Oh and I forgot to mention, it's free traffic?!

Check this out, this is what you'll discover:

*The secret formula for submitting quality unique articles that brought and still bring hundreds of visitors per day to websites.

*The top article directories that you must utilize to cause your articles to get the mose exposure.

*Set your readers up so that they almost have to click through from your article to your site.

*The one place you must submit to before you submit your article anywhere and *NO* it's not

*Plus so very much more...

Oh and by the way, you may just want to upgrade on your bandwidth for your website, just in case it won't handle all of the traffic coming in. It is your turn to play traffic cop... start directing everyone to your site today!

As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30-day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 day's and if you aren't completely satisfied, receive a full refund.

Ken Wolff

Ken Wolff

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Add Your New Deal every day!
7/13/2008 7:54:43 PM

Joomla Kahuna


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $29.99
Format: PDF, Video
Delivery: Instant Download

Do you remember playing with Legos? I was a huge Lego fan when I was a kid. I had the Pirate Ship set, the Aliens vs Astronauts set, and a big blue box full of snap-together blocks. Of course I hated to read the directions, I just snapped things together until they looked somewhat like a space ship. Those were fun times.

Then I got an Erector Set. I saw in the commercials all the great looking, complicated things that I thought it would be neat to build. When I opened the box I found a bunch of powerful tools I had no idea how to use. Whirling gizmos, load-bearing frame sets. I figured it would be as easy as snapping Legos together, but I was wrong. My Ferris wheel didn't spin: it wasn't even round! Needless to say I gave up building things altogether and got a Nintendo.

Joomla is a powerful, open source (that means FREE!) Content Management System (CMS). Using Joomla, webmasters can create a professional, awesome looking website that really makes an impression on visitors. Joomla is full of powerful tools that can unlock any website's true potential and skyrocket it out of mediocrity, increasing leads, opt-ins, PPC revenue, and affiliate sales. The problem is that if you don't know how to use these powerful tools, you may as well be spitting on a forest fire. The learning curve is pretty steep, but once you know how to use Joomla, you may never build a website without it again.

Joomla Kahuna from Jason Katzenback is an authoritative tutorial video series that can have you up in running with your very own income-inflating Joomla sites within an hour. From installation to the final touches, Joomla Kahuna takes you by the hand and shows you step by step how to do the essentials in Joomla to manage your content. This single product has the potential to explode your online business, and it is available today on DealDotCom for cheap!

Now I know what some of you are thinking. You're going to install Joomla and poke around with it to see if you like it before getting Joomla Kahuna. I strongly recommend that if you've never been inside Joomla before, don't go without Kahuna's help. You could get lost. You may get overwhelmed by the complicated tools and give up and get a Nintendo. I don't want that to happen to you. That's why there is a 60-day Money Back Guarantee this time. Grab your copy of Joomla Kahuna before you start playing around with Joomla so you don't get frustrated and swear it off forever. If you aren't blown away by what Joomla and Joomla Kahuna have done for your business, then simply recieve a full refund. Take your time, you have 60 days!

Don't miss out on the huge profit potential this powerful system offers because you didn't have the Kahuna there guiding you every step of the way. I want your Ferris wheel to spin, and I want it to be round. Grab your copy of Joomla Kahuna while supplies last and get started upgrading your websites (and paycheck) today!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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