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Another Day Another Deal!
6/8/2008 11:46:04 PM
Wow! Just a few minites left till the candle goes out.  I am allready butningh it at both ends.  Anyway, enjoy todays deal and profit.  Only 8 bucks:

Article Analyzer


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $19.99
Format: Zip
Delivery: Instant Download
Getting search engine traffic through article optimization can be a bit of a tricky concept.

You either put your keyword too often in the article, only to get penalized, OR, you don't put your keyword enough in the article for search engines to recoginze it.

Well if you find that you are often having this issue. Say Helloto my little friend... Article Analyzer.

What is Article Analyzer you ask? Ah-Ha! Simple, all you have to do is write out your article, or, if you have a hired writer... take that article and run it through Article Analyzer and it will then let you know if the article is optimized for profitable search engine rankings!

How easy is that? Talk about pressing the Staples EASY Button!

Want to check out some other Benefits?

I know you do:

*Quickly 'test' all your articles prior to publishing them on the web to make sure you don't waste all your effort!

*Ensure your keyword density is accurate for easy search engine approval.

*Quick catch and correct any spelling errors that might exist with built-in spell-checker.

*Get the world count, the number of times a chosen word or phrase occurs throughout the content, and the density percentage.

*Save each article in either.txt or HTML format for full flexibility and saved time!

*Quickly spot your keywords inside your article with built-in highlighting feature!

*Plus, more features to save you time and give the information you need to succeed with your content!

So look at it this way, never will you again write articles and have a few that are going to do absolutely nothing. Now you will have the piece of mind knowing that all of the articles that show up on your website are going to make search engines happy and bring you in more money.

Want some more good news? This product comes with Master Resale Rights! This software is going to pay for itself! You can use to optimize and check your articles, then turn around and sell yourself! What can be better?

As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 Day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 days and if you aren't totally satisfied, receive a full refund.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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Re: New Deal every day!
6/12/2008 12:20:35 AM
No No No !!! Nick, Thank you for the flowers!!!

Well DealDotCom has another great Deal.  I just have to post it, but before I do I want you to know that you can get these deals for yourself and be intered into a contest to win the deal of the day

We're Giving Away a Deal Every Day!
Every registered member is automatically entered to WIN the Deal of the Day.
Sign-Up NOW for your FREE

OK, now here is today's Deal of the Day:

Word Press Training Videos


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $67.00
Format: Video Training
Delivery: Instant Download/Online
Do you have a graphics designer?

Or maybe you want to begin learning how to do Graphics and Style Sheets on your own? Word Press is a huge blogging platform, everyone is using Word Press... but how to you edit templates? How can you make a custom built template that has everything you are looking for to make your site your own personal corner of the Internet that nobody else has?

Well now's your chance to do so with WP Training videos! These video's are going to train you on how to work with graphics, code, plugin's and so much more that soon you'll be able to do it all on your own and stop spending the cash on having somebody do it for you.

Want to see what the video's are going to teach you?

Here take a look:

*Video #1 - Working with Graphics

*Video #2 - Working with Advanced CSS Style Sheets

*Video #3 - Working with Code

*Video #4 - How to Turn WP into a CMS

*Video #5 - Working with Plugins

*Video #6 - Posting with Blog Desk

*Video #7 - Customizing Log in Graphic

*Video #8 - Working with RSS Feeds

*Video #9 - Working with 404 Error Pages

*Video #10 - Working with Widgets

Being able to do all of this on your own is going to save you some serious cash. That's what the IM world is all about, isn't it? We all want to make money, that's why we're here. Well of course we're all making money, but being able to get rid of some of the 'middle men' is only going to help us keep more of what we make.

So stop spending money paying others to make your blog look that way you want... you can do it in a snap! You can follow along the training videos and complete each task while the video is running! Word Press has thousands of templates... but everyone has access to the same ones... to they aren't very personal and you have to "put up" with whatever some else has made! Now you can PERSONALIZE your own templates and make your site look that way you want!

Did I mention this great training also comes with Master Resale Rights? All of the videos are going to show you how to personalize your WP Blog, then you can turn around and sell this awesome training for yourself? Can you say 100% return on investment? Plus your getting a huge deal here... these training videos normally retail for alot more!

As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 day's and if you aren't completely satisifed, receive a full refund.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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Re: New Deal every day!
6/13/2008 11:14:58 PM
Who's next?  Click below to add your best deal of the day.  Here is mine:

PowerEffects - Just Point and Click


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $20.00
Format: Zip
Delivery: Instant Download
So is it just me, or does it seem like many websites out there today are really cluttered, looking the same ole?

Well I say, it's time to get out of the cluttered world and begin moving into the world of dazzling, attention getting effects on websites! Sounds good to you? Because it sounds brilliant to me!

How do you feel when you see professional, sleek looking graphics and animations? They catch my eye and I know that I am at the right place!

Well we're lucky because Today's Deal is for Power Effects... it is going to give us just that opportunity of creating headers that are going to grab our visitors attentions without having that crazy cluttered work.

Oh and you know the best part? It'll take you less then 10 minutes to create. Crazy right!

Want to know another reason why Power Effect's is such a great tool?

Well... have you ever thought about how many people in US and the world are still only able to use dial-up? Well, these new crazy cluttered graphics are just going to bog down their connections. Heck if I was on dial-up and I had to wait for somebody's graphics to download, want to know what I would do? Oh hey look at that pretty back button! People don't want to wait for huge graphics shows to load or have to wait for things... especially if they are on a slower connection... they just don't want to wait!

Oh and one more thing that's great about not having heavy, image cluttered web pages, well there are a few but I'll just throw this one out at you:

Google is now beginning to take into consideration the time it takes your web site to learn. So if it takes a long time for your page to load, oh guess what, you're going to get SLAPPED! for having such a long load time! Even Goole doesn't want to wait!

See, easy, simple dazzling graphics are the way to go! With Power Effects, load time will never be an issue and you will create eye-catching graphics that don't take forever and a day to load and dazzle your customers! Small, lag free graphics that are going to amaze your customers is the order of the day... and it is all a template based system! How can you go wrong?

It will take you five minutes to set up this system and you've have all these dazzling, amazing graphics on your site, you impress your customers, impress Google... and you still have the time and money to do what you want because you didn't have to pay some big shot graphics designer to make some big, clunkly flash show that half your visitors would have skipped anyway! Don't wait too long to take advantage of this deal!

As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 days and if you aren't completely satisfied, receive a full refund.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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They just keep getting Better
6/20/2008 1:49:08 PM

Yahoo AutoMailer


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $9.95
Format: Zip
Delivery: Instant Download
Social Media websites are the way to go these day's. We've got Facebook, Myspace, My Blog Log, and that list could defientely go on, but I'm not in the mood to write a few pages of just Social Media websites... YOU KNOW Social Media Sites are huge and a great way to get traffic to your site.

Another great social media website around is Yahoo Groups! There are thousands of people on these groups each and everyday and you know what else is great about these groups? There's always a category for you! No matter what your selling or what your niche is, there is something for your and your online business.

Yahoo! might only be the #2 or #3 search engine... but you can't deny its power. Yahoo! has millions of users that search for products and services... Google is not the ONLY power on the Internet.

Well if you are already apart of Yahoo Groups!, then have I got the product for you! Today's deal has the power to post to your groups... AUTOMATICALLY!

With Yahoo Automailer you'll be able to stop sending hours of hard labour each and everyday, preparing to send out messages to reach your readers. Now's the time to let your computer do the work! Why slave away manually posting to each one... when it can be done easily through this program?

Yahoo Automailer will allow you to choose when you want your ads to be posted, it will then post them for you each and everytime. All you have to do is set everything up. It is much easier, especially as a writer, to write a group of posts when you are in the creative zone. Why not make a group of posts... schedule them and be done? You and put this part of your business on auto-pilot!

By being able to do this, guess what, you just got your ad out to millions of Yahoo Group subscribers and you didn't have to spend all the time and money (time is money right?) having to manually post to each and every group every time they need a blast!

Is there an easier way? Yeah, I didn't think so anyway! You can be sipping your favorite beverage on the beach while the computer does all the work... is that the way it is supposed to work? Ahh...the beach... doesn't it sound so good?

As always this product is backed by DealDotcom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 days and if you aren't completely satisifed, receive a full refund.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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Look what I StumbleUpon today!
6/22/2008 1:50:21 PM

Stumbleupon Exposed! w/MRR


+ $0.00 shipping
Regularly: $29.99
Format: Zip
Delivery: Instant Download
What if I told you...that you can bring in *INSTANT* traffic, that's right... I said instant! No more waiting a few days or weeks to see results. I'm talking about instant traffic here! If you aren't getting any traffic, how are you supposed to sell the goods? It is like building a new store... if nobody knows it is there... how are you going to sell anything?

Are you familiar with StumbleUpon? It's a social bookmarking community. With these types of communities you can drive in hundreds of unique visitors to your webpages, at no cost to you. You know what's great about these websites? I'm talking about highly *targeted* traffic to you, you know, the type of visitors who are interested in your product and want to purchase it. StumbleUpon is huge in the social media circles. It is a great site that you can vote up and blog about your favorite sites, what your friends are finding and what is going on all over the internet!

Stumble Upon can be a bit complicated... that is why we are hooking you up with Today's Deal! With StumbleUpon Exposed, now you'll be able to bring in all of the targeted traffic you want... and you'll be come a Stumble Upon expert in NO TIME!

Check this out:

*In this package, which includes a PDF manual, audio and video, you will be shown exactly how to design landing pages so that they are effective in capturing the attention of your stumblers.

*Learn what NOT to do in your stumbling campaigns and efforts.

*Learn how to boost traffic instantly with simple techniques.

*Learn how to successfully create a paid advertising campaign.

*Learn surefire methods on converting stumblers into regular visitors.

So if now's the time that you want to begin to surge traffic into your website and show the world what you are offering! Whats better? We are selling this product with Master Resale Rights... meaning you can turn around and sell this product yourself and keep the profits! How great is that? You learn how to use one of the most popular Social Media Sites on the internet, you get to profit from all the traffic that is going to be crashing into themselves to get to your site... and you get to sell this product as your own?

I don't know about you....but it just about sounds like time to hit the beach and get some rays!

As always this product is backed by DealDotCom's 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try it out for 30 day's and if you aren't completely satisifed, receive a full refund.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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