Hiya Tom!
I've been a big Republican since I registered to vote, I admit I was 10 years late, my first election was in 1996 when I was 31 but since then I really get into it for several months! People say I should volunteer at the Republican campaign office here in GR but I don't like the parking lot, LOL! I have bad backing-out skills!
THIS was made fresh today by the Rush Limbaugh staff...it's a pdf of a sign we can tape to our TV sets while watching Obama tonite.
Yes, I watch BOTH conventions, I've watched all 4 nights of the Dems and I'm getting excited about McCain next week, with Rudy Giuliana opening on Monday!
My parents would only watch the Democratic convention, I was raised by DEMOCRATS!!! Well, the parties have somewhat changed in 25 years so the new Dems are not the old Dems. I think it's a good idea for everyone to watch BOTH conventions.
My mother-in-law says she's voting for Obama, she rarely watches John McCain's appearances on TV. If people don't know BOTH candidates, how can they make a real choice?
My mother-in-law thinks the Democrats are for the people, and more for women, but in reality, my mother-in-law has lived her life like a Republican, trying hard, working hard, she didnt finish school where she grew up in Indonesia, they moved here and LEARNED ENGLISH ON THEIR OWN and she and my father-in-law GOT JOBS and RAISED A FAMILY, both their kids GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL and GOT JOBS. Then those folks got a divorce, my mother-in-law started over with $8 in her pocket at age 40 in 1979 and GOT ANOTHER JOB and a PLACE TO LIVE on HER OWN. That's called being strong Americans, not depending on the government, not expecting handouts. They lived like Republicans, she should vote Republican.