Thank you Tom Baby, some people can be rude, I guess. But I won't let it offend me. You know me Tom Baby, I'm a lover not a fighter.
I forgive you Helen
As soon as I can get my brother to get my pictures for me, I will show you, I'm not all bad.
You don't need to apologize. You didn't make her put up that picture, did you? She has no class. Did she think no one would find that picture grotesque?
Now, because I dared to speak out, I will be made to look like the one who is in the wrong for doing so. Sobeit.
Bertha, after you posting that picture, YOU are calling ME rude?
The person who is really the comedian is the one who can do it without fowl language or bad pictures.
Helen Baby
I'm so sorry, I just don't know what to say. I mean I really thought I looked good. My baby Tom likes it.
I wished I could get my brother over here to change it, but he's still working, late
But Helen, at least I do have a pic up. You might not like it, but I haven't had anybody else complain.