I believe that the thought is wonderful John and it is certainly a chance to show a appreciation. I guess it is individual preference involved in how to do it.
There are so many deserving friends, how do you say publicy that you prefer one over the other?
The national elections are good format for a mass election and clearly this does not fall into that category. It is perhaps more like a school election in magnitude.
I really like the 'fall where they may' method I use for the Showcase. I put all the names of the regular forum attendees into my bowl and I choose blindly. And unless my partner Dave asks for a specific person I will go with what I withdaw and I am doing it 3 or 4 weeks ahead now ... I notify weeks in advance.
Someone who is popular and recognized will be recognized here. At the AdlandPro Showcase it will be decided among those who 'make the time and take the time'. Not the most popular.
It takes work. There are quite a number of names. Eventually I may have to get assistance. Actually I think I am there already! :)
Official AdlandPro Expert, Synergism CEO, Beverly Armstrong NC, Certified Mycrous Therapist, (Homeopathies) Certified Reiki Master, Certified Magnetic Therapist & Networking Business Consultant, & Writer
http://networkingblogs.blogspot.com (Now with sound)