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Carol Salisbury

227 Posts
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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/20/2005 1:53:26 AM
Thanks for inviting me to this forum. I feel like I am too new to make a nomination at this time but I do look forward to voting on the nominations when the time comes... Paying it Forward, Carol Salisbury These are some VERY exciting and QUICK PAYING programs... Being FIRST for a CHANGE....
Roy Fielding

66 Posts
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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/20/2005 2:20:37 AM
I would say Greer also this time, Roy Fielding Boston 230 Megs of Top Marketer Secrets Only 2 Days Left:
Take A Tour Of My Biz And Grab This Free Website Submission Software!
Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/20/2005 2:41:49 AM
Beverly, Kathy and I were using the same method as you; we even stated that it was random (go back and read the previous forums). That is why you were first. At the time that you were featured I didn't know you as well as well as I do now, we hadn't talked on the phone as we do now. You were put into the of group of persons to be featured because of your work here at AdlandPro. If we were just selecting our friends we would have started differently. You were just the lucky one, who also deserved being featured. When we discussed the matter of an award with Bogdan we decided that it would be fairer to let the community have a say in the person being featured because of the prize and just because it would be more fun. Before Bogdan left on his holiday trip he said he would get his people started on a polling place. So, I think everyone should be happy when we get this polling place set up. For now lets enjoy this occasion, we are trying to honor people here and I feel like a cloud has come over this place. Why do you think Kathy and I have blogs and web pages like the Birthday of the Week, the Welcome Wagon, and the Happy Place? We love to cheer people up and to praise them. We have a lot of awesome friends and we can only feature one a week in the Feature of the Week so we came up with these other projects were we can tell all our friends how much we love and appreciate them. Here are the links to some of those projects so you can see what I’m talking about. We have considered the feelings of our other friends and that is why we have these: In the one’s below the chosen are getting free publicity from our site: As you can see Kathy and I have been really busy doing what we do best and that is helping people. We love it, and it gives us a lot of joy! JOHN
Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/20/2005 3:39:06 AM
Damon, Thank you for your suggestions. I have only heard good things about you. Take care my friend! JOHN
Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/20/2005 4:07:52 AM
Marion, Thank you for your suggestion. Maybe a way can be devised so that it's done on our profiles but we will have to wait and see what Bogdan and his staff have in mind. Marion, since it was your idea why don't you suggest it to him so you can get the credit for coming up with the good idea. He is really easy to talk to and he is looking for good ideas. He is very interested and involved in what he has created here (our community and his). This isn't just a business for him as you can see from his forums on quotes by famous people. Thanks again Marion! I will have to add smart to your list of attributes. I already new you were sweet and funny. :-) By the way, did you see what I posted on you at the Happy Place? :-) JOHN

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