
Forum: Yes It Is Political

Description: Start Your "Yes It Is Political" thread NOW. NO Ads Please as They will be Removed! "Yes It Is Political" is open to all with a political viewpoint they wish to share or discuss. It doesn't matter your persuasion or topic all are welcome to post new topic threads, politically motivated on ALL Topics. Feel Free to Share Your Viewpoints #YesItIsPolitical "Active Threads Will Be Featured * will appear in the Highlighted yellow threads at top of this board.
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Last Post 12/5/2018 3:18:37 PM
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Jim Allen


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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Hillary Clinton made a campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio Thursday, no one showed
Page: 1, 2
2/18/2016 2:42:13 PM
8 802
Liberalism: The age of impassioned ignorance
2/10/2016 10:17:50 PM
2 172
As we Arrive Upon the End Times - How to Survive
2/10/2016 10:03:21 PM
2 192
The FBI Just Destroyed Another Hillary Lie
2/10/2016 5:14:53 PM
1 278
media took the opportunity to reinforce the myth of St. Trayvon of the Blessed
2/6/2016 4:06:22 PM
1 113
Yes It Is Political Subscription Page Please complete the form
2/2/2016 2:42:21 PM
1 73
Breaking Report: Do U.S. Supreme Court Justices Owe Americans an Opinion on Natu
2/1/2016 2:19:33 PM
1 199
A very important video and post. I do hope you watch it and comment
1/25/2016 8:34:36 PM
2 203
The old lions of the conservative moment—leaders with direct ties to the 1960
1/20/2016 4:32:56 PM
1 124
"It Makes Me Sick": Fox Criticizes Obama For Saying International Climate Summit
1/14/2016 1:56:20 PM
2 99
Finland: ''Soldiers of Odin'' patrol Kemi streets
1/10/2016 4:01:16 PM
2 752
Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"
Page: 1, 2
12/31/2015 7:56:55 PM
7 641
Muslims WARN Christians living in Sweden ‘convert or die’
12/19/2015 5:15:59 PM
1 103
Crazy Lady On Board
12/18/2015 10:12:55 PM
1 189
"It Makes Me Sick": Fox Criticizes Obama For Saying International Climate Summit
12/18/2015 8:27:38 PM
2 88

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