
Forum: Poetry in Motion

Description: A good friend of mine has inspired me to post poetry of my own. So please enjoy as I hope it inspires others to be as bold and do the same. :)
Members 33
Topics 23
Posts 212
Last Post 9/13/2008 11:31:48 PM
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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Riddles and Rhymes
Page: 1, 2
9/13/2008 11:31:48 PM
8 1371
I am a Poet
3/5/2008 8:16:23 PM
1 505
Page: 1, 2
2/26/2008 6:00:32 PM
9 1125
Beginning Anew
Page: 1, 2
2/19/2008 10:35:28 PM
7 1169
To A Guardian Angel
Page: 1, 2, 3
2/3/2008 7:35:06 PM
13 1807
Having Fun!
1/30/2008 7:12:50 PM
1 352
Page: 1, 2
1/28/2008 10:51:18 PM
8 1500
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4
1/27/2008 11:50:15 AM
18 2090
The Flight
1/25/2008 8:02:10 PM
5 743
We Are Brick & Mortar! (a biz poem for all)
1/25/2008 1:06:21 AM
5 723
Reaching Out
Page: 1, 2
12/24/2007 9:53:26 PM
7 1149
My Discovery
Page: 1, 2
12/6/2007 4:39:47 PM
8 1427
I Was Told
Page: 1, 2
12/2/2007 8:39:35 PM
8 1246
What's in a Dream? A Poetic Mystery Story
11/29/2007 12:57:30 PM
2 601
On Our Own Wings
Page: 1, 2, 3
11/17/2007 11:18:57 PM
11 1538

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