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Joe Downing

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Re: To A Guardian Angel
2/3/2008 11:11:12 AM

Dear Kari,

That was the most beautiful goodbye poem I have ever read for a dear friend, companion and as you said... guardian angel.  I too had the most beautiful spirited guardian angel leave almost 18 years ago.  She has remained forever in my heart. 

May Danka be in the great green meadow with lots of wonderful things to smell, friends to chase and play with, all her favorite foods to eat, always a warmth to let her know that the love continues forever!

My heart is there with yours, for her love will always be a piece of your heart as my Centauri is to this day.  May our prayers bring you and your family a soothing comfort.

Gentle hugs for you,


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Kari Shinal

143 Posts
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Re: To A Guardian Angel
2/3/2008 11:49:51 AM

Thank You so much for your message. Danka' did indeed live to the ripe old age of 16. She came to us when my eldest son turned 5 years old. She was given to us as a puppy and lead as the poem says, a Varied life. She was always sweet to everyone and always knew when someone was not quite safe to be around.She indeed will be remembered fondly.

My sympathies are with you also. Indeed we do feel the same way about our families :)


Kari Shinal
Kari Shinal

143 Posts
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Re: To A Guardian Angel
2/3/2008 7:35:06 PM

I have lost a number of pets in my past, and they all have a special place in our hearts. The picture you have presented suits her first and second homes beautifully.  She was born and raised in Virginia and there were places to play much like that. I am sure that these fields were part of her fondest memories.

Thank You :)


Kari Shinal

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