On Our Own Wings
Far from the view of the hustle and bustle, Of everyday life as the leaves do rustle, I sit as the wind comes rushing by, And ponder things as the birds do fly.
They come from the east, west, north and south, And as I watched with gaping mouth, They rode the breezes up above, In circles infinite filled with love,
Of the currents upon which they fly, Of the freedom they feel and as time goes by, They appear to float so far above me, Above the rustling leaves and trees.
And as they do I see myself, Floating above and joining them, Away from those things that bring me strife, Away from the toils of every day life,
And for one brief moment I fly with them, I see nothing but beauty without and within, This earth on which we travel by, And watch as those below do try,
To do as the birds do in freedom be, Floating on air as we wish to be free, Seeing all as a grain of sand, Below and with others and as they land,
Upon tree branch, ground, and hill, Our eyes they see and watch very still, As they go about their merry way, Their own lives to live on their own as they may.
We cannot see freedom in front of us, When we stand upon the ground we must, Beholden to others in life we be, And so it has been for centuries,
Yet we are free within our hearts, And as time flies with wings we impart, Our love to others with our souls bring, Like unto birds our hearts they sing,
If we but look unto the skies, Unto the birds as they do fly, Our hearts too can fly on Wings, They too can float, If we let them sing.
Kari Shinal Copyright Nov. 6, 2007