
Forum: Poems, pondering, - having my say

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Posts 1216
Last Post 12/22/2011 3:58:36 AM
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Amanda Martin-Shaver


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Poems, pondering, - having my say

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Thread Last Post Posts Views
This Is What Jerky Direct Has Done For Me.
7/19/2007 6:18:45 PM
5 317
Jerky Direct preparing to go International
Page: 1, 2
7/18/2007 9:18:21 AM
6 667
jd mailer
By .
7/12/2007 9:13:16 PM
2 534
This Is What Jerky Direct Has Done For Me.
7/6/2007 11:58:48 AM
3 252
Amazing photos - Birth of an Island in the South Pacific
Page: 1, 2
6/21/2007 3:31:40 PM
9 551
HOW TIME FLIES - Thought provoking story
Page: 1, 2, 3
6/21/2007 3:27:29 PM
13 668
131 Uses for Vinegar
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4
6/15/2007 1:21:41 PM
20 1016
I visited your TagWorld Page!
6/15/2007 12:36:06 PM
2 308
Welcome Our Newest Jerky Direct Member - Linda Bland
6/14/2007 7:50:27 PM
4 239
You are invited to join our team
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
4/14/2007 11:41:28 AM
24 1517
Page: 1, 2
1/16/2007 4:29:58 PM
9 618
Page: 1, 2, 3
1/11/2007 5:52:44 AM
15 782
Please welcome new member Reigan Dolen
1/2/2007 10:15:16 PM
2 1511
New Year wishes for my friends
Page: 1, 2, 3
1/1/2007 6:36:47 PM
13 749

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