
Who is Doug Woodall?

Doug Woodall

Doug Woodall
BirthdayMonday, October 24, 1955
Member SinceSaturday, July 16, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, August 11, 2007
LocationWinton, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
No newcomer to Spyware, Doug Woodall has 12 years of experience. He has been online since 1993. Presented with a Commodore 64 for his Birthday in 1983, it didn’t take long for him to become hooked to the online world. There was no Internet then, he says, just Bulletin Board Services. "Today I see a lot of headlines about Identity Theft and I wonder why?" questions Doug. "Education is the key when using the Internet. Your personal information is your property, why give it away to someone who will use it for financial gain?" "The question I get most often is, 'Why is my computer so slow?' You should see the look on their face when I tell them it’s probably Spyware." Doug Woodall has a Website called SpywareBiz which provides free information and recommended products to combat Spyware. He started SpywareBiz to help educate and protect those who are unaware of the dangers online. His Website is recognized by Learning Fountain and ISafe. Doug's Articles have earned him Trusted Author Status at He is a member of the IWA (International Webmasters Association) and he also runs a Blog where users can post problems and questions concerning Spyware.
My Interests
My Interests (5)
Interests: Internet
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Kathy Hamilton - (2/8/2006 12:25:56 AM) : Hello doug,
Glad you are here,welcome to Adlandpro,great site thank you,kathy martin
Doug Woodall - (2/8/2006 12:25:56 AM) : Thanks for the great rating !
Im honored.

Take care,
James Wright - (1/28/2006 4:05:00 PM) : I like your help!! Jim
Doug Woodall - (1/28/2006 4:05:00 PM) : Thanks James,
I appreciate the Rating. It means a lot.

Take care,
Edward Robinson - (12/2/2005 5:12:04 PM) : Doug Woodall,Thanks for your review .your Sales Rep is doing a good job,What a pretty Dog!My Wife and I Revisit SanDiego and coronado two years ago.We lived there 53/1954.Good Luck with your Spy Ware. My url is , and , I am Proud to make your friendship on AdlandPro community. Edward Robinson
Paul Falardeau - (11/28/2005 11:18:55 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
Dave Cottrell - (11/12/2005 4:45:04 AM) : Doug gives GREAT advice on how to have a
happy, healthy computer - something we all
need if we're going to keep enjoying the

God bless,

