
Who is James Wright?

James Wright

James Wright
BirthdaySaturday, November 10, 1956
Member SinceSaturday, October 11, 2003
Last ActivitySunday, November 17, 2024
LocationKingman, Arizona, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I first learned of Adland in back in 2004, before my first computer. A marketing company sent me a postcard about a money making opportunity online, so I signed up. After hours and hours at a nearby library, I realized I'd been took. But I learned from the experience, and several months later I swung a deal with a customer who traded me a Millenium Version Desktop Computer for a 1968 VW bumper which I had in stock. That was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made, but I learned about errors and freezes, and dial up and fruitless hours of wasted time with support. Needless to say, I learned alot from this experience, and since found my way to Adland where I still communicate with many of my friends which I've made here. I'm a professional pilot, and when my feet are on the ground, I enjoy spending time making money with my air ambulance business as well as other marketing opportunities.
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Mohamed Hassan - (3/10/2015 4:39:02 AM) : "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve"-Napoleon Hill
Cheryl Maples - (11/11/2011 6:53:14 AM) : Happy Birthday, James! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Ralph White - (10/10/2011 4:59:18 PM) : Have A Great Day
La Nell ! - (2/25/2011 12:24:01 AM) : Hi James, You have been a great and wonderful friend. Hugs,LaNell
Iacovino Rosario - (2/22/2011 2:10:32 PM) : On February 25, 2011 will start officially hMYSHOPPINGGENIE About the Site and they will be joined with its Official Distributor cod. "Activating the switch will have the opportunity to be in your organization" all "Those who come from the site in prelaunch yet Until agosto2011:
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (12/27/2010 10:59:53 PM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you? Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship... Bob and Shirley Stay In touch,
Myrna Ferguson - (12/25/2010 2:38:35 AM) : Hi James, thank you for your Christmas wishes and blessings. I wish you the same may you have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year
Chined King - (12/21/2010 11:23:56 PM) : Hello Dear, I'm chinedu,I was browsing the profiles when I came across your page. I found myself thinking,I can't help waiting to know more about you. Let's exchange some emails and get to know each other. I realize we aren't exactly across the street from each other but you never know what the future may bring to us.if intrested. my email is ,from chinedu goodckking@yahoo.c
James Mckenzie - (12/20/2010 2:52:39 AM) : Hello James May this be the year that you are looking for. Enjoy Your Stay! James
Martin Staunfeldt - (12/15/2010 10:04:15 PM) : James, Thankyou, Brian & Gitte we are here for you


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