
Who is Paul Falardeau?

Paul Falardeau

Paul Falardeau
BirthdaySaturday, December 19, 1970
Member SinceWednesday, August 31, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, May 3, 2013
LocationMillville, New Jersey, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I have been happily married for 18 years and have three beautiful children. They are ages 17, 15, and 1 year old.

I have lived in the same town in Millville, Massachusetts for my whole life and just a few years ago purchased my parents home, which is the home I grew up in. It makes me feel good to know my children are growing up in a small town with proper values.

In addition to my wife and kids I also have one dog and a cat. Up until just recently we had two dogs, but I'm sorry to say he was very sick and is no longer with us.

I decided to start my online business when my baby girl was born. My wife and I did not want to put her in daycare so a stranger could raise her. It is the best decision I ever made. Now I am earning a good living and can spend all the time I want with my little girl.

I did a whole lot of studying about various income opportunities and I hope to share them with you. Contact me any time and I'd be happy to share my experiences with you.
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Danny Kuhlmann - (3/24/2015 1:26:38 AM) : If you co pay on meds is $10 or more you need this, we also have insurance for dental and glasses and pet meds, you can also do this job giving out free cards and making money helping people.
Julie Talley - (2/28/2013 4:10:06 PM) : Wow finally a company that compliments all that you do. :)
Amanda R - (3/13/2012 1:30:14 PM) : Hi I would be interested in anything that makes 12%
Ambassador John Sanchez - (2/8/2007 6:23:37 AM) : Hi Paul!

You rated me a 10 some time ago and I wanted to return the kind gesture. Sorry it took me so long to get here. Take care my friend!

Kate Rivers - (10/8/2006 10:40:11 AM) : Hi Paul,

I just went to your website and signed up...I am still trying to figure how that works, though.

Hildy Kidman
Paul Falardeau - (10/8/2006 10:40:11 AM) : Hi Hildy,

Thanks for signing up. If you follow all the training available to you, you'll do great. Be sure to let me know if you ever need some advise.

Paul Falardeau
Pay It Forward 4 Profit's
Rose Enderud - (8/21/2006 10:45:29 PM) : Hello Paul,
All I ever see you promote is good solid programs. You are a good friend.
Paul Falardeau - (8/21/2006 10:45:29 PM) : Hi Rose,

Thanks for the kind words. I do my best by offering only the best programs I feel will help people the most.

Have a great day,
Dee Hudson - (6/23/2006 11:26:29 AM) : I am just returning the visit to my home page,

Thank you for the vote of confidence. I have added some new sites and thought you would be interested

To your success

Dee Hudson
Tanya Williams - (5/17/2006 10:00:10 PM) : You seem to be good at what you do. Would love some pointers on how to get my biz off the ground! :)


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