
Who is Marie Gervacio?

Marie Gervacio

Marie Gervacio
BirthdayWednesday, September 4, 1957
Member SinceWednesday, June 2, 2004
Last ActivityMonday, January 13, 2014
LocationSunrise, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hi I am a Renaissance woman, I am passionate about learning, reading, teaching. I am an artist, wellness consultant and internet marketer. I love to sing but your ears may not appreciate it. :)
I have one wish for you and that is to...
Shine Your Star!

My Interests
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Michael Brock - (7/7/2007 11:39:35 PM) : Hey Marie,

I like your pic comment a lot! That's a very nice philosophy, and you have a great smile, so I'm sure it applies extremely well to you...smiles....

Have a great day and God Bless YOU & YOURS!

Best Wishes,

Michael Brock
Richard Mcdonald - (9/2/2006 9:26:49 AM) : You have a wonderful website. We hope you are very prosperous, have a wonderful day..
James Wright - (8/27/2006 6:48:35 PM) : Marie, did you make all those sites? Jim
Marie Gervacio - (8/27/2006 6:48:35 PM) : Thank you for the great rating Jim!

I did create (was really ugly in the early days lol),,,, and After the early days of I realized I could use scripts like phpnuke and mambo etc and basically do little design work like the silly blender for ArticleBlender. Thats when I started having more fun.
Jeana Stone - (8/13/2005 10:39:12 AM) : Marie is a great person I am very honored to have meet her. She if a very bright person and she is alway's coming up with something new. Please check out her new swap link room.
Greer Trumble - (7/1/2005 11:15:35 PM) : Marie -- you have an incredibly professioal looking web page on your AdlandPro profile area, and your picture portrays an aura of beauty and professionalism. You're very community oriented, and always make a meaningful, positive contribution on my various forums. I'm delighted and honored that you're my friend!!
Marie Gervacio - (7/1/2005 11:15:35 PM) : Thank for the gracious comments and superduper rating Greer! This is indeed an honor coming from someone of your character who goes the extra mile to exceed people's expectations. Your forums hold alot of info I could have used before and may even need in the future. Thank you for taking time to share and... Thank you for inviting me to be your friend.
Marie Gervacio - (3/22/2005 1:56:30 PM) : Thank You so much Nathan... You know this is the 1st time I noticed this section, wish I would have noticed before. Shine Your Star!


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