
Who is Jeana Stone?

Jeana Stone

Jeana Stone
BirthdayWednesday, November 10, 1971
Member SinceTuesday, May 31, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, May 11, 2007
LocationBedford, Texas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests (4)
Industries: Law
Comments (12)
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John Rivera - (6/13/2006 3:03:04 PM) : Hi Jeana

Great site and information posted. Thanks for all and good luck with your online venture.

Rob Vela - (5/19/2006 10:04:22 AM) : very nice sharp and cool looking website now i know asking you this is going to be a long shot because you probably dont need help to market that fine product, however, are you awawre of this lead company is used by other travel companys and getting very goodresults. look at the menu bar titled customized to see what i am talking about?

high reguards,
rob vela
Paul Falardeau - (12/14/2005 2:32:00 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

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Paul Hanson - (11/6/2005 10:35:30 PM) : Just for looking your best ;-)
Tony Beach - (8/22/2005 11:08:28 AM) : Thank you Jeana..and welcome as a new business partner...Let's take it to the world....You're looking awesome..keep it up..
Lee Talmadge - (8/15/2005 7:35:21 PM) : Hi Jeana,
Welcome to adland family, :-) I hope you find it as useful and helpful as I. My best wishes in your success . Lee
Marie Gervacio - (8/13/2005 10:28:29 AM) : Jeana is a great people person! You would do well to have her as a friend! I am so glad to have gotten to know you Jeana.

Keep Shining Your Star!
Randall Parks - (7/7/2005 8:08:16 AM) : Hi Jeana,
Cool name and very good photo. I saw your post on Gary cooper's forum. i just wanted to encourage you to develop your AdLand webpage. I joined marathon but have been unable to get much use out of it, my fault.
Good luck:)
Jeana Stone - (7/7/2005 8:08:16 AM) : Thanks Randall,
Well I'm not sure how to do my adland webpage I'm new at this so i'm still learning and I could use some help. Well If you would like help with marathon I would be more then happy to help you and give you some things that I use. If you would like you can send me a email to

Greer Trumble - (7/6/2005 4:24:14 PM) : Jeana is one of my very first friends here at Adland Pro, and she promotes one of my favorite programs, MARATHON PROJECT. Jeana, I'm very glad your my friend!!


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