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It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 89th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
4/9/2007 2:44:24 AM

o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~oPerson of the Week  o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o

o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~oPerson of the Week  o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o

Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and Pauline Raina!

It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making thist event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez


POTW forum Partners Pauline Raina and John Sanchez




The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the   Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.



It is with great pleasure that we announce this week’s POTW, his name is Joe Downing! Joe said something really profound in his Bio that we had to mention it here, “One never knows how one post can change the life of another, just understand it does.” This was the principle upon which the Person of the Week forum was created on. We understand the power of words and how they can change the life of someone else. We are truly fortunate to have such a benevolent and wise individual as Joe in our community. Thank you so much Joe for blessing us with your presence here at AdlandPro. Congratulations on winning the Person of the Week award!


Here’s Joe’s Bio:

Hello dear friends of Adland!  Hello John and Pauline!  The POTW forum is a very important forum to me.  I very much enjoy reading the exchanges of goodness in all the POTW forums.  This is the kind of appreciation and bonding of friends that attracted me to stay at Adland.  One never knows how one post can change the life of another, just understand it does.  I appreciate all of you in building each other up and cherishing your friendships here at Adland.

I was born in Las Cruces, NM.  My father had other places on his mind and many things to do, so we traveled a bit while I was young.  I lived in NM, Colorado and finally settled down in the small West Texas town of Van Horn.  I stayed quite busy with livestock, farming, paper routes, other entrepreneurial tasks, the restaurants and school.  My family worked hard and played hard.  There were seven of us kids and quite a few cousins around all the time. 

I left Van Horn when I was 18 to see the world!  I spent most of my ARMY days in West Germany.  It was a great time and a wonderful experience.  After the ARMY, I tried to continue my life ranching/farming while trying new things involved with the oil industry.  Eventually, I ended up at a small ski area.  That is where I met my wonderful soul mate and wife Natalie while she performed her imitation of Crystal Gale's "When I dream" that she dedicated to me in front of all these people.  I was truly the light of the party, unfortunately it was all blush red. We have been married for 24 years now after 6 weeks of courting.  We have two great kids!  The Lord has been very good to me.

Many things have come my way as far as jobs and opportunities.  I graduated from college with degrees in Geology and Computer Science.  I have worked as a water monitoring scientist to software developer to network administrator to being a marketing technician.  I have been fortunate to have learned so many things.  However, much was learned with my degrees but the best education has come from my entrepreneurial adventures.  I have come to realize that it doesn't really matter what we know in life if you don't have any friends to help with that knowledge.  Growing up and as busy as I was, friendships were few and far in between for me.  My wife changed all of that.  She taught me how to talk something other than with a Texas drawl so that people outside of Texas could understand me.  I use to wonder why her hair had some gray streaks.

Unaware, I had been suffering with chronic sinusitis all of my life.  I was a walking headache and sniffler.  It was common to deal with bleeding sinuses almost on a daily basis.  You can imagine how terrible things can be when you never feel good.  One day, I just got tired of it all.  I went to some doctors.  I was OD'ed on steroids and almost died.  Boy, did that wake me up!  Because of my health worsening from the damage of the steroids, I started researching how to overcome sinusitis.  I had tried different meds, juices, diets and you name it, I probably tried it.  After many months and thousands of failed attempts to find relief from this painful experience, the good Lord passed on to me the answer.  It has been Xtreme X2O from Xooma Worldwide.  Why was X2O the answer?  My favorite question.  After reading the book "Alkalize or Die", I realized that the root of my health problem was chronic dehydration.  It was that simple.  I changed all of my beverages to X2O and X2O Blast and within a few months I was living a life free of chronic sinusitis.  The headaches went away, the bleeding stopped, and even my arthritis disappeared.  I feel like a brand new person!  I spend a lot of time reading other
testimonials from X2O users.  It truly is the most amazing stuff on earth and has set me out on my quest:  To help make the world happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser.

After this product made such a difference in my life, I decided that other people with illnesses and diseases need to know about this product and decided to become a distributor.  It was free to join and all a person had to do was purchase some product on a monthly basis.  I really liked not having to pay the piper to get started and the product is delicious.  I got a free website with a fully functional back office.  There are nine ways to get paid, so I have done quite well.  And now, we have a lot of health and fat loss products available in our back office.  I wasn't very good in the beginning, but I was fortunate to have a good team around to help.  It is a great opportunity indeed.  If you are interested in looking more into this opportunity or just the product, I have teamed up with some very exciting members here at Adland.  We call ourselves the Energized Marketeers.  We work as a real team and are friends first.  Please visit the
Energized Marketeers.  What caused this group to form was our precious Terry Gorley sharing her favorite quote with myself and Judy Smith...

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has!" - Margaret Mead

Come join us!  This group is just starting, but doing quite well.  Get healthy while you build a great business.

I am also very active with a Jerky Direct storefront.  I am glad that I did not resist looking into the jerky business.  Another great business that costs nothing to start, just order some product that tastes so good you can't help but keep on ordering month after month after month.  Now that your mouth is watering, go get some jerky here: 

Since I have found Adland, I have made some great friendships.  I look to all of my friends as teachers who have taught me a lot of valuable lessons.  I wish I could explain what Adland has done for me in words.  I get so much joy from all of you and look forward to each day that I get to spend here sharing ideas, jokes, getting WHAMMYed, goodwill, playing games, pat on the backs, opinions, suggestions, heartfelt stories, announcements, prayers, hugs and smiles.  It is my pleasure to call each of you my friend.  Thank you John and Pauline for this great opportunity to gather with some wonderful friends. 

To your success!

Joe Downing

PS: If you get lost in Adland, just find me and click on my signature.  I have started a
Bulletin Board that has a consolidated list of important forums.  It is not complete by any means, but it is growing daily.  I invite you to visit any time.




Interesting Bio Joe! Thank you for sharing a little about yourself.


Folks, it’s time to praise this Gentleman for what He does here in our community. Please take the time to invite him to join your list of friends if he’s not already on it.


Joe, it is truly an honor to have you on my friends list. I was really blessed by your Bio because it’s refreshing to see that someone else gets what the Person of the Week forum is all about. Enjoy your week as the King of AdlandPro and our Person of the Week; you’ve earned it my friend! Much love to you from Pauline and I!


Love and Blessings to all of you from,


John Sanchez and Pauline Raina






Pauline Raina

4108 Posts
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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 89th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
4/9/2007 2:47:58 AM


There you are our man and KING OF ADLAND AND FRIEND   JOE !!!!!!

Enjoy your time in the limelight you deserve every bit of it.....soar to new heights my friend...our prayers go with you.

much luv

Pauline R

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 89th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
4/9/2007 2:55:23 AM
Congratulations My dear sweet Joe,
Well there you are, you see it does pay to advertise your Presence and Market your Identity.
I saw you when you first came, You were noticed  because you had so many special qualities. Now look at you, you have grown by leaps and bounds.I think you are the first person here at Adlandpro to be Honoured so many times in such a short time.

You are truly amazing and I do love you so for being such a great friend to me and many.You have made a huge impact in my life as I know you have in others.
God Bless you Joe. Have amazing week.
You are my light here at adlandpro.

Kathy Hamilton/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Rinna Rani

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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 89th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
4/9/2007 2:57:03 AM
Dear Joe,
I just KNEW it...... I actually congratulated you earlier and I was saying that I can't wait to read your bio....... man, was I rite...... Great person with an amazing story......

I realised that people who get chosen to be the POTW candidate has got a life story that is amazing.... of course, its that person's story...... When I read those stories, I run them through my mind and realise that we all go through the same thing only different situation....... And that same thing makes everyone grow stronger and look at life and cherish it more.

You are no different dear Joe and certainly, I really like the piece about you and your wife.  That is something last a life time..... 6 children.... well, that should say almost everything.

Thank you for sharing your bio and again Joe Downing, utmost CONGRATULATIONS & enjoy the exposure & credits given.  Hey credits are always given where they are due.

Love, Rina
Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: It's Time To Honor AdlandPro's 89th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
4/9/2007 3:04:10 AM
First, I thank Pauline and John for this forum! Second, WAY TO GO JOE! I am most honored to have you as a bud! YOUSE IS COOL! So later, Gator! After while Crocodile! Neil
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