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***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/28/2006 8:47:27 PM

Please put the word out and have anyone come here to post any information of products that have been proven and tested to help with Cancer prevention.


We need to all the help we can get.


My gift to YOU ***Critical**** Info To save your life.

FREE Cancer Prevention Report click here:


Bottom line, your health right now is what is most important. Prevention is the key to Good Health and Longevity.


***Disclaimer*** This information is not meant to treat, cure or mitigate any disease, but science has shown that given the right nutrition the body has the ability to repair and heal itself of just about any condition. You should always consult your healthcare professionals before consuming supplements.


Natural supplements that can help to boost immune system and

stop Acidosis and recover from Cancer


1-                Xtreme X20 water pH enhancer


2-                Glyconutrients   

               Referred by Roberto AC


3-                Electro Magnetic Frequency therapy


4-                Detox from Mercury  - Cilantro, Chlorella and Spirulina



5-                Acai berries, Mangosteen, and Goji (all in One)



6-                Cesium Chloride


7-                POLY MVA


8-                Magnetic clay for detox


9-                Specific Cancer Nutrition


10-             B-17 Apricot seed


11-             Vitalzym Systemic Enzymes     



12-             Essiac Tea


13-             Dr. Kelly's Metabolic Cancer Cure Diet 



14-             Dandelion Root – Cut leaves off below crown. DO NOT WASH. Dried at 100 degrees (5 to 6 days) Use clean hammer and frying pan and tap on roots until a fine powder.  Mix powder in X20 water enhancer


15-  Revici's Natural Cancer Protocol    -


***Disclaimer*** This information is not meant to treat, cure or mitigate any disease, but science has shown that given the right nutrition the body has the ability to repair and heal itself of just about any condition. You should always consult your healthcare professionals before consuming supplements.


May you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers


Robert Carrillo



Natalya Restivo

703 Posts
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Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/28/2006 9:13:23 PM

Hello Robert,

Thank you for putting this important topic on the forum. Why is it so important?

Check out this web site which shows that all of us are at risk of cancer:

A quote from this page: 

Scientists have been studying pollutants in air, water and on land for decades. Now they're studying pollution in people, and the findings are troubling. In 2003, we tested the blood and urine of nine volunteers for 211 possible contaminants — and discovered 167 pollutants, including an average of 56 carcinogens in each person.

It's not in our power to change many things, but we can change our environment and start healthier life using toxins free products and cleansing our bodies.

There are many very good products at the market right now. Robert has suggested some of them.

I want to offer American company NEWAYS products. From the very beginning SAFETY became Neways' priority #1.

Breast Cancer Fund states: "There is a place where companies can sell products even if they contain ingredients linked to breast cancer. It's called the beauty aisle." 
Check out and see.

Neways is one of the first companies that began making skin, hair, personal care and household products that do not contain harmful ingredients.

Neways herbal supplements detoxify the body, renew cells, rejuvenate health.

  • They are tested by ages, as Chinese Emperor's Dynasty Ming recipes are used.
  • They are inspired by nature.
  • They are perfected by science.

Take responsibility for your health and health of your loved ones!

Make a better choice, choose a better life.




Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/28/2006 9:36:57 PM

Hello Natalya,

I see that you are also a crusador to help people to have better health. This is all good. Thank you for your support.

I just read your post, and I was just blown away by the polutants that we are breathing daily.

In 2003, we tested the blood and urine of nine volunteers for 211 possible contaminants — and discovered 167 pollutants, including an average of 56 carcinogens in each person. WOW!

Neways is a great company, and its be around for quite some time now. So it is very stable.

Here is what came to mind when I read this. The one activity that all humans do 24/7 no matter what, is breathing. We start breathing at the time of conception even through the womb we are breathing in polluted oxigen.

And guess what? We will continue to breath untill we go back to the earth, oh no but wait a minute how about our spirit. Does it also breath oxigen?

Well, I guess will find out sooner or later. LOL

To your health and success.

Robert C

Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/28/2006 10:10:32 PM
Hi Robert, Thanks for the ivite to this forum. Cancer is one of the worst problem today because of the pollution. The only way to stop pollution affecting the blood is to take a vitamin which is strong enough to make the blood pure. Most of the vitamins on the market are too weak to work properly. Mr Myron Wentz in America has studied vitamins for years.After much reasearch he has formulated the USANA vitamins.Both his parents had been killed by cancer so he wants to stop others from suffering from this terrible problem. Usana vitamins are not sold in the shops. Mr Wentz uses people who want to help others to promote them.They have a wonderful business prospects. These vitamins work to make the blood pure. And they DO work.I am proof of this. I had to go for blood tests for my residence and my blood was so pure the person who did my blood thought I had been on dialysis.He said no one in Auckland can have such pure blood.It is too polluted. But I take the vitamins daily so the pollutans are taken out of my blood. Many people have taken these vitamins and been cured from many diseases. There website is Lyle Macwilliam wrote a book to show people the truth about the common vitamins on the market.Most are too weak to work.So people think vitamins dont work. Please check out this page and see what I say. Most vitamins are worthless. I actually made a website to promote these vitamins. I have studied vitamins and homeopathic remedies for over 30 years. I have put down all my personal experiences to show how wonderful vitamins can be.But the vitamins must be strong enough to work. My web address is I have also put a page on home businesses to show people how many tax cuts they can get. Usana vitamins offer a wonderful home business. I also made a must visit page to help with free advertising. As I find good places I put them there. Homeopathic remedies have worked well with some cancers.BUt he real secret is to take vitamins which really work. Usana vitamins are the best I have found so far. If any one has any questions just post a reply. I wish you every success Robert with your wonderful idea tohelp stop cancer. I beleive the secret is in vitamins. My moto stands as health and wealth for all. love veronica.
Get your health back.Throw away your drugsLearn the secret of vitamins and homeopathic remedies.Learn how to do a home business.Stop ageing and enjoy
Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/28/2006 10:46:43 PM

Here's a list of carcinogens to look out for...

Reversing Vaccine Damage and Autism
I've heard many good things about Usana.
Good job, ALL of you!
Donna Carrillo, co-director
Vaccination Liberation

"Ask me about vaccine exemptions"

Love them, protect them,

Never Inject them.
Diseases caused by vaccine poisons.