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Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/29/2006 7:34:13 AM

The Magnetic Clay baths are EXCELLENT in detoxing environmental chemicals and heavy metals.

I used the Mercury Detox kit to pull out mercury after having my old amagams removed many years ago.

I also used the Environmental and Aluminum Clay detox bath kits, because before we got the orgone cloudbuster, the chemtrails were making me sick.

Now, with the baths on hand, the orgone inside and outside the house, bio-electric medicine and homeopathics/herbs, the chemtrails no longer affect me.

Donna Carrillo, co-director
Vaccination Liberation

"Ask me about vaccine exemptions"

Love them, protect them,

Never Inject them.
Diseases caused by vaccine poisons.

Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/29/2006 7:48:54 AM

Hello Veronica,

WOW! You really have had some big challenges with your child. Just to quote what you said about how vitamins restored your child back to health.

You said on your post "I am amazed at how they have helped all my family.
My SON had a heart murmer from a childhood trauma.
After taking the usana vitamin e and coquinine.
The doctor said his heart is now completly fixed.
I have put my expericences in my website   For others to see how vitamins work."

Veronica, your children are blessed to have a caring MOM like you. Their are just to many Mothers that are like sheep following the fold, but you followed your motherly instinc heart, and your son has totally recovered.


To your health and success

Robert C

Marion Tucker

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Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/29/2006 12:40:03 PM
Hello Roberto,

Wow this is some useful information here. 

I wish you much success with all you do and may God Bless you each day!


Highest Paying Business Network In The World! NEW REVOLUTIONARY ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH!!! NO MORE PILLS OR JUICE, just spray nutrients in your mouth!
Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/29/2006 9:37:25 PM



Thank you for your complement and support to help people with this valuable information that can save lives..


The main Reason why I am doing all that I can to inform people is because the Cancer Rate is now One out of Three people.


This is why it is critical to know The Things To Do To Stop Feeding Cancer.


When I read this a few years ago:

“In 1979 the FDA warned the cosmetic industry that DEA was dangerous because of this. The cosmetic industry ignored the warning!  While over in Europe, strong action was taken to phase out the use of DEA." Padimate-O (also known as octyl dimethyl PABA): Act by releasing nitrites which combine with DEA to form *nitrosamines. Found in cosmetics, especially sunscreens. "The most prudent consumers will prefer sunscreens without padimate-O," states Dr. Epstein.”

Right away I made up my mind that I will never use mainstream shampoo again.


This is really alarming to know that you are being poisoned for the purpose of POPULATION CONTROL.


Here is one more thing that is extremely critical to know and that is that Cancer and Tumors CAN NOT GROW in a high pH Alkaline body.


So the thing to do is keep your blood highly alkaline, and for this I use X20 water pH enhancer. X20 will Stop Acidosis. You can learn more about this here:


To your health and success

Robert C

Natalya Restivo

703 Posts
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Re: ***We Need Help*** Post Here your Cancer Prevention Information
12/31/2006 5:28:32 PM

"Many personal care products you use

every day—shampoo, nail polish and

makeup—contain chemicals linked to

breast cancer and birth defects. And

worse, it's perfectly legal for cosmetics

companies to sell these products to you

and your family. At the Breast Cancer

Fund, we believe dangerous chemicals

don't belong in products we use on our

bodies, period. Please

visit our Web site and

join our call for smart

laws and safe products."

Go to to get introduced to safe, toxins free products!



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