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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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The Truth Must Out #3 - AIDS, a Man-made infectious disease
6/21/2008 3:25:35 AM
AIDS, a Man-made infectious disease

The US Government behind all deaths

Robert Gallo: The Man That Created AIDS
" I don't know what the hell you are talking about"
but the documents speak.

On March, 14, 2008, many Americans were infuriated by the airing of highly inflammatory video clips from various sermons by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

TV viewers heard the preacher saying that the U.S. government created AIDS as a genocide program against blacks - and watched him declaring "God damn America!"

As a spiritual advisor to Barack Obama, Wright's inflammatory rhetoric threatened to derail Obama's race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Wright, retiring at age 65, had served as pastor of the Trinity United Church in Chicago's Southside, where Obama had been a parishioner for 20 years. Obama quickly distanced himself from Wright's remarks, but refused to denounce him.

Is Reverend Wright a patriotic American? As usual, the media quickly denounced his AIDS accusations as "conspiracy theory."

This despite the fact that half of African-Americans polled believe AIDS could have been man-made. Although the media came down hard on Wright, he cannot be simply dismissed as a deluded and unpatriotic American.

Click above - Very good information

Read an article very well written by Alan Cantwell
Rev. Jeremiah Wright Is Right About Man-Made AIDS

Watch "The STRECKER Memorandum"

Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD, presents with documented evidence the Truth about AIDS being a Man-Made Disease. In this now classic 1988 video, he lectures on how the 'Virus' was Predicted, Requested, Created and introduced into human population through Medical Injection Programs. The fact is you are not being told the truth by the government or the so-called AIDS experts. Order this "RETRO" video today - Share this knowledge with everyone you can!

Follow the link below to watch a video clip
A.I.D.S. Virus Made in a Lab in Fredrick, MD

I recommend you to watch this too. A documentary (long)
Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS (Gary Null)

kindly Regards


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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: The Truth Must Out #3 - AIDS, a Man-made infectious disease
6/21/2008 9:18:23 AM
My goodness, Georgios!

I wish I hadn't stopped by here before going out.

I'm going off now, to sing for La Fête de la Musique, but thought I'd just take a quick look here.

Oh dear, how depressing and scarey.

I have only had time to skim through the article, but that is so aweful.

The deeper people dig, the worse the situation seems to get.

Love is the answer and we can all do our bit, if we choose to do so.

I have to rush off.

Angel cuddles,

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Peter Fogel

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Re: The Truth Must Out #3 - AIDS, a Man-made infectious disease
6/21/2008 11:46:45 AM

Hello Georgios,

Over the years there were all sorts of rumors and articles about HIV & AIDS. If all the articles and videos above are true it's depressing and scary.

If man can conceive, create, plan and  enact such atrocities then I'm sorry Sarah love is not the solution. People like that don't understand the meaning of love. And for actions like this are beyond redemption.



Peter Fogel
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Dimitra Bravou

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Re: The Truth Must Out #3 - AIDS, a Man-made infectious disease
6/21/2008 12:40:51 PM
Hello Georgios,

When AIDS first appeared in 80's, there were many rumors here that this virus was man made.

Reality seems to be worse than imagination.  But still some people think that, what you refer in your post, is rather "science fiction". We wish it would be but there are many scientists that work for awfull programs either about man's health or even the existense of this distressed Earth.


Myrna Ferguson

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Re: The Truth Must Out #3 - AIDS, a Man-made infectious disease
6/21/2008 3:53:09 PM
Hi Georgios,

I knew are government was bad, but it just keeps getting worse.  I am so glad we are leaning the truth.  You know what they say," The Truth Will Set You Free".  No wonder so many people think America is evil.  Well, we are not all evil it is just a few that make us look so badly.

Thank you for all your knowledge and getting the word out.   I am looking forward more and more each day, for Nesara to come, and it is getting real close.



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