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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: POTD Lingvo Club: Worldcitizen Artist Sculptor Laila!
2/4/2008 5:12:19 AM
Hello Lydia :-)

Thank you for introducing us Laila and her beautiful works!
I've invited her to my friends circle.
I would be honored to be one of her friends.

I put all my genius into my life;
I put only my talent into my work!

~ Oscar Wilde ~

African American Profile Graphics

With friendship,


Laila Falck

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Re: POTD Lingvo Club: Worldcitizen Artist Sculptor Laila!
2/4/2008 5:20:43 AM
    Hi Peter

Thank you for your kind words , and yes we have been friends for some time. I visited your country in the early 80ies. I liked the climate and the sun and the food and the fruits, and enjoy to see another kind of architecture..                                                                                                       I was on pilgrimage to visit the Bahai Shrines and the so called Persian Gardens in Haifa and Bahji, where the Founder Bahaullah rests. I am a Bahai all since , soon 40 years.  
I am sure you know these places. I also went to see various places, Tiberias, Tel Aviv. I didn't see Jerusalem, I saw Haifa, ate many a felafel and went to a consert where a singer sang old longing songs ,about God, I suppose. I enjoyed it very much, all the time pondering upon  that the Jews have returned home. It really means something very special for us Bahais, you know. It was like a meditation accompanied by music 
I like the Kletchmer music too. I hope to be able to go on another pilgrimage, for three days.

 Have a good day

"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith
Re: POTD Lingvo Club: Worldcitizen Artist Sculptor Laila!
2/4/2008 5:42:39 AM

Hi Lydia,

For now - just to hug you all. The theme is to serious for my, total asleepy brain.

I`ll come after awake.


Lydia Fokina

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Re: POTD Lingvo Club: World citizen Artist Sculptor Laila!
2/7/2008 4:59:02 PM

Hi Laila!

Really beautiful persons in our Lingvo Club, are they?

Very interesting information about Bahai Faith from You, I didn't know before, thank You for sharing!

Success to You in WEB-building, researches, art, in all You doing!

Yours Russian friend, Lydia




Lydia Fokina

2042 Posts
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Re: POTD Lingvo Club: Worldcitizen Artist Sculptor Laila!
2/7/2008 5:29:01 PM

Hello Ana Maria!

Thank You for greetings Laila!


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