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Jim Allen

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Re: Time to vote for the 23rd Photo of the Week! Come see who won the 22nd photo contest!
1/10/2008 12:59:09 PM

Hey John and Pauline,

Some great pictures in this weeks collection.  I liked them all and choosing just one was really hard. 

Good luck to all the participants.


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Jim Allen III
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Patricia Bartch

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Re: Time to vote for the 23rd Photo of the Week! Come see who won the 22nd photo contest!
1/10/2008 7:42:40 PM

Hi Everyone.  THANK YOU ALL.

I'd be "hogging" the thread if I Thanked all of you for complementing my picture of the ENGLISH GARDEN.  It is one of my favorites I took when I went to Great Britain in 2001.  (I put 2 new pictures in my gallery yesterday.)

I voted in this weeks contest. What great pictures.

I have a question. Why isn't Bill's picture in this weeks contest? He didn't submit it in time??

PLEASE MAKE SURE IT GETS IN NEXT WEEKS....cuz it's an awesome photo. 

Well, Good luck to our 4 photographers.  You are all soooo talented!


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Re: Time to vote for the 23rd Photo of the Week! Come see who won the 22nd photo contest!
1/10/2008 7:45:37 PM
I loved the garden photo and going to vote for this weeks picture.
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Re: Time to vote for the 23rd Photo of the Week! Come see who won the 22nd photo contest!
1/10/2008 7:47:53 PM


Lovely picture.

I voted!! Great pictures this week, also.


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Mary Hannan

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Re: Time to vote for the 23rd Photo of the Week! Come see who won the 22nd photo contest!
1/10/2008 11:41:34 PM
Hello John,
My vote is in!

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