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Express Yourself
11/24/2007 12:41:38 AM
Express yourself through original poetry. Help others release all hidden fears and sorrows. The sole purpose of this forum is to share one's imagination and creativity through original poems. Believe in yourself, have trust in yourself, for all has a gift of expression. "Life - Fear = Evolution" Thanks for visiting! Most of all, Thank You Sara… "Lost Friendship" Those unfulfilled wishful beliefs … One's heart diluted into thinking … Indisputable friendship once shared… Is leisurely ceasing away … Who may this be … Why vanish within precious memory … Befit a servant to salvage the joy and laughter … The purpose is to confiscate distant past … Let it be said… Let it be heard… Let it be known… To sanctify mere collective reflections… As I bid farewell to thee… Author: Babette T. Gumahad October 2, 2007
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Ron Nelson

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Re: Express Yourself
11/24/2007 1:07:24 AM

Everyone has the same words, some just put them together differently, and they become poetry.


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Re: Express Yourself
11/24/2007 1:41:34 AM
I agree with you 100% ... words are very intriguing ...
Health is the Ultimate Gift of Life Cherish, Honor, Appreciate Come Visit the Home of Archangels.LifeMax.Net
Pauline Raina

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Re: Express Yourself
11/24/2007 11:09:40 AM
Hi Babette,

Thank you for the invite, and for sharing, Im gled to see you now have your own forum, and look forward to reading more of your  lovely poetry.


Pauline R

Judy Smith

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Re: Express Yourself
11/24/2007 12:55:24 PM

Hi Babbette,

You have arranged those words nicely - great poem!

Thanks for sharing it.  I lookk forward to many more in the future as well.


