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Glo Williams

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Re: URGENT Prayer Request - Help Me Pray for Shirley Caron
8/8/2005 1:38:33 AM
I have Sirley in my prayers, I pray that she will overcome and grow stronger, and that God will be with her through whatever she had to go through.and she will be back to the forums quickly Glo
Christine Gleeson

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Re: URGENT Prayer Request - Help Me Pray for Shirley Caron
8/8/2005 3:19:21 AM
Hello Marion, I will keep Shirley in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. God Bless. Christine Gleeson Sydney, Australia
Carla Carey

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Re: URGENT Prayer Request - Help Me Pray for Shirley Caron
8/8/2005 7:23:30 AM
THanks for posting this, I was concerned about her but she said she was getting better, here I just saw her in person Friday, more than once I told her she sounded really congested. I prayed in here for everyone in Adlandpro on Sunday. GOD BLESS!! CARLA
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Marion Tucker

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Re: URGENT Prayer Request - Help Me Pray for Shirley Caron
8/8/2005 9:31:09 AM
Hello My Dear Friends, Thanks for coming and praying with me here. I feel like we are all joining hands from across the globe to pray here and that is a very special feeling. I was wondering if you could all send a message to your friends here pointing them to this forum This would make for many more thoughts and prayers coming in for Shirley and that would be so awesome to see. Love You All! God Bless You! Marion
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Cheryl Baxter

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Re: URGENT Prayer Request - Help Me Pray for Shirley Caron
8/8/2005 12:01:22 PM
Dear Shirley, I pray that God will heal your illness and that HE would make himself known in a special way right now. May you gain strength from knowing him and that HE does care for you. Love and blessings in Christ, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"