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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/17/2007 6:56:00 AM
Dear Terry,

Thank you so much for your contribution.

You were right; the Rose Waltz is so beautiful.

The unicorn is lovely too.  We have a pony called Polly.  Raymonde wanted me to put a horn on Polly to turn her into a unicorn!  When I said that that wouldn't be very comfortable for Polly, Raymonde asked:

"Can you get us a real unicorn then?"

Now wouldn't that be lovely!

"I am the Voice" was a very apt choice of Georgios.

Both of these videos were super.  I'm only on dial-up and it takes absolutely ages for the videos to load (I go off and prepare a meal or do some gardening!) and then come back to watch them.  Both of these wonderful videos were well worth the bother.

Music is a great way of sharing, and accompanying the images.

Natural music of the birds in the garden and our copse is delightful too.  Despite having three cats, we have many birds in our garden.  Such a delight to see and hear.

Thank you for coming along and supporting me Terry.

I hope you can come back and perhaps share your garden with us or another part of Mother Earth's garden.

Kew Gardens

I can just imagine a unicorn walking here with a faerie on its back.

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Linda Harvey

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/17/2007 10:10:00 AM
How to Grow Asparagus by Hans Dekker Asparagus is a perennial plant with erect, edible stems and tiny branches that bear even tinier flowers that become red berries that contain the black Asparagus seed. Formerly in the Liliaceae family, botanists have realized that Asparagus is in a class by itself and have repositioned its 120 species in the Asparagaceae genus. Asparagus is a high-end gourmet food item, but if you know how to grow asparagus, it becomes an inexpensive way to add a delicate flavor to your meals. Knowing how to grow asparagus dates back 2500 years ago when it was first cultivated in Greece. In fact, asparagus is from the Greek word for stalk or shoot. Long before it was used as a food item, asparagus was lauded for its medicinal properties. There are many reasons to grow asparagus. Once an asparagus bed is established, asparagus is the first vegetable that is table ready in the springtime and will provide your family with a firm and fresh vegetable treat for up to 20 years, each crown in your bed producing up to ½ pound of spears per year. Although supermarkets stock both canned and frozen asparagus, neither compares to the unique flavor you get from freshly harvested and picked asparagus. As asparagus plants grow, they produce a mat of long, tubular roots that spreads horizontally rather than vertically. This one-year-old root system is called the asparagus crown. Although asparagus can be started from seed, it’s most often begun from transplanting crowns purchased from a reputable crown grower. Those who wish to learn how to grow Asparagus must have an abundance of patience, since it takes an asparagus bed three years to be established from crowns. The second year of growth, asparagus ferns emerge with a few spindly spears. At the third year, although your bed will produce thicker and more robust spears, they shouldn’t be harvested for more than one month to allow roots and crowns to become further established. Plant asparagus crowns in a trench that is one to two feet wide. Set the crowns up to six inches deep and nine to twelve inches apart. Asparagus grows easily in any well-drained soil. Found growing wild on English riverbanks, the delicate asparagus ferns were nicknamed “sparrow grass”. However, asparagus allowed to stand in water develops root rot, which can quickly destroy a complete bed. Asparagus roots have a tendency to “rise” as the bed matures. Gardeners typically add soil to the rows of a mature asparagus bed to keep the crowns undercover. Asparagus is also susceptible to late spring frosts, which kill emerging spears Take care to keep your asparagus bed covered until frost danger is past. About the Author Gardener and owner of" Visit our website for more information and free-articles · Asparagus is a nutrient-dense food which in high in Folic Acid and is a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamins A and C, and thiamin. · Asparagus has No Fat, contains No Cholesterol and is low in Sodium. Asparagus can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, grilled, roasted or incorporated into casseroles and salads. We have planted a MONEY TREE ! Come join our Branches !
Sharon Lee

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/17/2007 10:17:28 AM

Hi sarah,, What a wonderful forum!!!

The "Peace" within the Gardens with Beautiful colors and running waters!!!

AHhhhhhh,,, What a sanctuary for anyone.


unicorn.gif - (10K)


Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/17/2007 10:32:37 AM
Hello Sara,


What a beautiful job you did here. I'm amazed! We all owe to Mother Earth and we have to do our best to keep it in good condition.




Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
10/17/2007 12:08:36 PM

Hi Sarah,

I don't have any pictures of my flowers downloaded to my computer, but here's a photo of impatiens, this a hardy flower that lasts all summer until the first frost of autumn.  I have mixed variety in my front yard in wood half-barrel containers and also in flowerboxes and in a flower bed.  They grow well in shade or partial sun.  The white ones wilt after a day of strong sunlight, the red are best at withstanding sun.  They pop right back up after a hard rain.

My father also has these in his flower gardens in Pennsylvania.  I asked him what I should plant because I have too much shade for most flowers, so he suggested hosta or impatiens.  I don't like the hosta plants, they are mostly green all season and then they shoot up a tall purple or white flower from the center. 

Impatiens come in a variety of colors, white, pink, fuchsia, orange, red.  Most garden stores also sell them in individual colors if people don't want a mix.
