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Social Sites and Network Marketing ...
6/10/2007 9:14:50 PM
Today, with all of the latest social sites popping up, people are scrambling from one to another and it's becoming a rat race on everyone.

How much time in a day do you have to join, setup, and work each social site? I don't anyone that has enough time to manage more than 3 IF they are using them all to their full capacity. If you think that going in and setting up a profile is enough you're dead wrong. The profile is just the start. There are forums, blogs, classified, comments, friends invites, answering mail, and so on.

The blogs will help with fresh content. Forums will keep you active with like minded others. Classifieds keep your offers out there. But, most of all is to communicate within these sites. Contribute so you are known as a leader, not a yes I agree or thanks for the info type person. Sales happen to those that are confident and know their products/services.

And don't be afraid to buy ad space on these sites. Virtual real estate can be quite cheap and effective.

But be sure you can manage what you sign up for as well. If you don't have time for followups you'll lose business.

And be sure to read the Terms of Service of each site and know what they will accept. Not all sites are the same. Some allow ads in the comments boxes and somme don't. Read every detail so you don't get banned from the sites.

Once you have gained a good working knowledge of one site and see you have time for another then do so. Doing one site halfway you might as well not have done it at all. It's just not effective or beneficial to you.

If you have questions please PM me.

Kenneth R Sword Jr
Re: Social Sites and Network Marketing ...
6/11/2007 1:13:41 AM

HI Kenneth,

Great post Kenneth! You really said a mouthful here! There are soooooo many different Communities out there...I never realized how many until lately! If I joined all of them that I am invited to, I would go crazy just trying to keep track of each of their names! LOL! :)

AdlandPro is still the best Community on the Internet. And yes, people have to get to know you to be able to trust and believe in you. Even then you still have to be very careful with some people because not everyone is always as they seem!

Thanks for the great advice my friend! Great reading.

God Bless You,

Love Marilyn


Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Social Sites and Network Marketing ...
6/11/2007 8:09:00 AM


I have to wonder how many people that search for a home based business say I think I will join a Social Group and find a business.

On the other hand, I have to wonder how many marketers that have a business, join a Social Group to advertise their business?

Do these Social Clubs become a Seller, Selling the Seller Game?

I know with AP we are bombarded with marketers presenting the latest and greatest marketing scheme, and people are being bled of their money a few dollars at a time and not receiving the expected results.

What usually happens is they wind up marketing to the same people, that already have a business, over and over again.

There are good lead sources that will produce some good, fresh, leads that may turn into prospects, and even turn into business partners when presented an opportunity that is right for them.

Marketers may not realize that the actual producers of these marketing schemes have several sites going, and have more in the wings to present when one dies, they bring the next to life. 

It would appear that their motto is:Next!

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Re: Social Sites and Network Marketing ...
6/11/2007 8:29:30 AM

Hi Kenneth,

Marilyn is so right,  You have spoken a mouthful and a half!!  I have a difficult time managing 2.  I love Adland, and it is by far the best.  I have now started Bizzy Blogz and though I am advertising there, now see that I am not using either one the way I should.  You have made me realize that.    I think for me it's a matter of just not understanding it all that well and then adding the fear of doing it wrong, so I do nothing.  I think I will change that.  I'm gona do it - then, if it's wrong - I'll do it again!

Blessings, Ken - Can't say exactly why - but you have opened my eyes!



Re: Social Sites and Network Marketing ...
6/15/2007 11:58:29 PM


I have to agree that with all the sites out there it can be overwhelming and easy to lose one's way.  I only got 'into' social network sites because it was the business I chose to do.  After all it is a huge trend.  And it seemed good sense to participate & generate an income from it. 

Since starting my business I have joined a few other social network sites, more to compare and contrast than anything; and to be able to answer questions that social networkers ask.  Of course, a common question is why pay for a social network site when there are all these free ones out there?  So, I have had to make it my business to provide the answers apart from the fact that an income can be generated.

I have actually turned into a bit of a geek in the whole process I must say. But hey I am a human too and huge trends such as social network sites are huge trends for a reason and I am no exception to the appeal that they have. However, my initial purpose is still the driver I just remain flexible within that and bend with the breeze.

Its fun!


