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Beth Schmillen

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Re: Come Take A Look At Our Website for the Hearing Impaired!
5/23/2007 9:24:54 PM

this is the other link...

i don't know this just for visuals then and not sound?



Re: Come Take A Look At Our Website for the Hearing Impaired!
5/24/2007 12:18:08 AM

I sincerely apologize for the first link, it shouldn't be there. The second link should take you to the website after the presentatrion. It's a very new adventure for us and there's still a few bugs to work out, Beth. But I do apologize. I will fix the first link as soon as I can get into touch with my  partner David, who lives in England and is fast asleep at the moment no doubt.


Stephen Hall

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Come Take A Look At Our Website for the Hearing Impaired!
5/24/2007 12:47:49 AM
Hey Stephen, will you let me know too? pm me, thanks!
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Re: Come Take A Look At Our Website for the Hearing Impaired!
5/24/2007 5:10:20 AM

Hi everyone,

The links are just fine .... try 'em .....

It was just me, 'messin' about in there but, they are OK now .. MY fault  ;-((

The link has now been 'cloaked' just to make it less obvious as to how it's being done, but not for secrecy .... go to::

It's the SAME .... honest ....

I'll be getting back in here, later today and, Tom, THANKS for your help with this and, Beth, Thanks for your concerns .... appreciated  ;-)

Nice to be here and .. The Internet can make YOU money
Katheryn Haigler

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Re: Come Take A Look At Our Website for the Hearing Impaired!
5/25/2007 9:44:44 PM

I was surprised when I saw your subject.  I am over 40 years old and the "new deaf" are the only kind I have known.  They are beautiful capable people.  I don't understand why people look at what they percieve as negative instead of looking at the gifts people have.

One struggle I did see with a young lady that I knew 7-8 years ago was that her husband was also deaf and they wanted  children.  They were having to go through some red tape?  She said that a social worker said they had to go through classes before making the decision to have a child because the child most likely would be deaf.  Her point was that they would be great parents for a deaf child!
I thought it was bizarre that pregnancy would be opposed or that anyone had any right to interfere.  Stupid people reproduce everyday and no one even blinks.  Angry, hateful people reproduce everyday but they did not have to take classes!

Thank you for your forum and your invitation.

Katheryn Haigler

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