Hi, Mark,
Although I do have an online business that is a little stagnant, the reason for this is quite simple - I have accepted that, no matter how easy everybody tells me it is - I SIMPLY CANNOT RECRUIT.
Not 3, not 2 and not even ONE!
As a member of anybody's downline, I am the original 'kiss of death' - so what am I doing now?
I am working to build an on line business mostly off line and a little on line.
It has become clear to me that the vast majority of opportunities I see are those that are duplicated many, many times so, although you might have a web site - it is not your own and it does not have unique content that you can change at will.
As an experienced and fairly competent 'chatter box', I am finding that it is possible to network socially and produce something that is highly individual (nobody else has the identical product) and for which I can create a demand.
This isn't a product that will generate immediate wealth but has the potential to create a good long term income with some application of regular and sustained effort.
I know that last statement will probably kill any incentive you might feel to find out what I am doing, but if you really would like to get involved in your own real local business, put yourself at the centre of your local community and accept the help of others creating the same opportunity for themselves in their own locations, please feel free to contact me.
Oh, yes. This isn't a matrix. It does not require you to recruit anybody. It is not free nor is it expensive but we should have you paying your way quite rapidly. It is not MLM or anything else advertised on Adland, as far as I am aware.
It will be what you make of it.
Effort in equals rewards out.
Send me an email (arthur@arthurwebster.ws) or a personal message and I will get in touch with you to find out if this is something you can apply yourself to. I can assure you, it will not take either of us long to find out.
The Old Coot