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Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/18/2007 5:49:12 PM

Hi Neil-

Thanks for your post about donating blood!  I am always amazed in a country as populated as the USA, when the Red Cross has to almost beg for donations because their banks are so low.

It is a painless process, and even most employers will grant employees time off to donate. You are correct in stating that only a small percentage of the populace is prohibited from donating. It also does not take an extraordinary amount of time (you could do it on an extended lunch break).

Organ donation takes even less time!  It's a box you check on your driver's license renewal form, so how much time could that possibly take??

Thanks for donating blood....  you probably contributed to saving someone's life!

Take care,



JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/18/2007 10:30:13 PM
Hello Thanks, I hope it has. While I have been far from as dilligent as I should have been about donating, I am (I think) a pint over five gallons and soon (next week) will be adding to that. I also had long break in donating as I had a cancer on my foot and they would not let me donate for over 7 years. Being young and foolish, when I was in the 101st Airbonre, we would give blood and then go over to the PX & get a beer. Needless to say, it was a cheap drunk. To demonstrate I am now old and still foolish, in 2005, a few hours after donating, I tried to play a game of Beach Volleyball and that was REALLY DUMB! While I had done that in years before, I sure do not do it any more. I enjoy many quotes and here is one I really like: "Never, if possible, lie down at night without being able to say: I have made one human being, at least, a little wiser, a little happier, or a little better this day." Charles Kingsley (1819-1875) Thanks for your time. Please, Take Care! Neil JOIN OUR NEW CONTEST! WIN Money ! Eat Jerky for FREE! Rules coming! How to win & what $$ you can win! Join us at Jerky Direct to be eligible. Now thru February 28! This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says, for a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: --- --- "Nearly Every Person Does Network Marketing Every Single Day, They Just Do Not get Paid For It."
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Larry Blethen

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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/18/2007 11:22:14 PM
hello Jean...thank you for this is interesting....Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/19/2007 3:39:41 AM

Hi Larry!

Glad you found it interesting and thanks for your post!  So many folks do things to try to improve this world we live in, one piece at a time, and rarely do we hear about it.  It seems the media concentrates more one everything that goes wrong.... I just wanted my friends at ALP to have a place to talk about some of the great, selfless things they do that brighten their corners of our planet & help bring "rays of hope & sunshine" to others.

Hopefully, if even one or two people become inspired to give back a little something.... we can make this world a better place, one some act of kindness at a time.

Thanks again for posting and have a wonderful weekend!

Take care,


JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/19/2007 3:47:04 AM

Hi Neil!!

Beer & volleyball, heh???  I don't believe that those would be considered appropriate post-donation activities by the Red Cross...LOL! (I don't know how you did it, I would have dropped like a fly!)

101st??  When I was a WAC, we used to have a cadence call about you guys (which I can not put into print do to some of the explicit verbiage it contained)!

I like your quote, it's very close to my personal mission statement, which is,

"May I live today utilizing the knowledge and experience I gained yesterday, to make tomorrow a better and brighter place for everyone I interact with".

When you donate blood again, let me know & I'll send you some Florida orange juice (a better alternative to beer, I think)!

Have a great weekend!

Take care,


JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"

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