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Jean Marie

199 Posts
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I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/17/2007 6:00:21 AM
As most of you know, I participate in the annual Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk each year. This is a 60 mile walk over the span of 3 days, benefiting the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the Nationa Philanthropic Trust, funding crucial breast cancer research, treatment, education and awareness. The term "Breast Cancer" is a devastating diagnosis, not only for the patient, but for the patient's family & friends as well. Surgical biopsy, stereotactic biopsy, lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation treatments are not comforting, even though all can end up being a live-saving procedure. Two MILLION will be diagnosed this year... this is unacceptable. A cure MUST be found. Each walker is required to raise a minimum of $2,200.00 annually. Currently, thanks to the generosity of family & friends, my donation balance is $570.00 so that leaves $1630.00 left to go. Donations of $5.00 or more can be made directly on my 3-Day Walk website at: All donations are tax deductible and a copy of our IRS 501c3 is available, should you require one. If everyone who takes the time to read this message would donate just $5.00 (that's less than a meal through a fast food drive-thru or a cup of gourmet coffee at a gourmet coffee shop), we could easily reach the goal! If you have a special someone who is currently battling this disease, or has lost the fight, you may add their name to my "Walking for" placard by simply e-mailing me at: Thank you for your continued and generous support. I promise that I will walk, & walk, & walk some more till we find the cure. And we will find it... it just takes hope, faith, courage, and love... May you have a healthy, happy & prosperous 2007. In faith, hope, courage & love, JeanMarie
JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/17/2007 6:53:54 AM
Hi JeanMarie, Several things, 1. Thank you for your forum and for inviting me to it. 2. While I am living on social security (because I am retired, did not plan for old age & am poor at mlm) I can not afford more than $5.00, I will send you that for your walk. 3. Have you ever read an e-things called "Heroic Stories"? (While it is not about those I consider to be "Heroes") it is about those who go out of their way to help others. Anywho, IF you would like to read a copy, please let me know and I will forward you one. 4. Even though I am a grumpy Old son of a Beach, do not suffer fools much, intelligent fools even less and liars not at all, I am someone who constantly goes out of my way to be nice to those who deserve it. I do things like pick trash up off the streets, open doors for people, etc., work for causes I believe in and give money when I can. 5. IF you have NOT seen the pictures and read the story in the following link, I am 99.9% sure you will enjoy and want to share with others! --- --------------------------- 6. Here's a link about my latest "Crusade" to make our country & the world a better place by greatly reducing the stress of parenthood and also greatly increasing a child's chances of being a high achiever and having a very successful life. I hope you and others will help spread the word about this. Please, Take Care! Neil This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says, for a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: --- --- "Nearly Every Person Does Network Marketing Every Single Day, They Just Do Not get Paid For It."
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/17/2007 4:32:30 PM

Hi Neil-

Thanks for posting and for the info!!!  I would love a copy of "Heroic Stories". BTW- opening doors for folks & picking up litter that others have left behind qualifies in my book as trying to better this earth!

BTW-I do not find you "grumpy", at all, at all!  You may just have to remove that one from your "self description"  LOL

Just an FYI-Donations, regardless of amount, are gratefully accepted.  I would never ask anyone, nor expect anyone to place themselves in financial hardship (that would kind of defeat the purpose, in my mind). It's one of the reasons that I only ask for a $5 donation. If I were rich(or even close LOL), I would fund the walk each year myself.  As it stands, I purchase items (lapel pins, pink ribbon stickers, walk shirts, etc)that I sell to raise funds and I do not recoup that money (example, if a purchase a lapel pin at $3.45, and sell it for $10.00, I put the entire $10.00 into the walk donation). Is this good business sense, probably not, but the cause means that much to me. All donations collected go to the walk. I do not take any expenses from anything collected.

How wonderful the world would be if more folks picked up some litter (or didn't litter to begin with), or opened doors for folks....

Thanks for what you do, your efforts are appreciated!

Take care & have a wonderful week,



JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Barb Doyle

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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/17/2007 5:28:53 PM

Hi JeanMarie,

It is so important for each person to do all they can to make this world a better place each and every day. I do that by helping others to have better health on all levels and to help people to have a growing monthly income.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

Essential oils are quickly being recognized as the most profound natural healing modality of our time.


Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/17/2007 7:42:00 PM

Hi Barb-

Thanks for posting!  I agree with you, that heling to make this world a beter place is something everyone should give a try!  It really boggles the mind when you think how much good could be done & what could be accomplished if everyone, evry single person who inhabits the planet, just did one thing a day to help improve this world we all live in....

May you have a very happy, healthy & prosperous 2007!

Take care,


JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"