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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/17/2007 11:57:16 PM
Hello JeanMarie, Thanks you for your comments! Right now, I am feeling a lot less than intelligent as I said I would send the money and totally forgot to do it. (That and sending you a copy of "Hero" stories will be done a few minuts after I finish this.) Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/18/2007 3:46:47 AM

Hi Neil-

Thank you so much for supporting my walk & helping to find the cure!

BTW- I don't believe that "forgetfulness" is directly related to one's intelligence...  they say that Albert Einstein was extremely forgetful, and he had a genius level IQ!! (Aside from that, if forgetfulness directly correlated to intelligence, then at times, I would probably be considered a total dummy LOL)

Thanks again for your donation & for sending me the file!

Take care,


JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"
Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/18/2007 2:33:12 PM
Hello JeanMarie, While Einstein did have a genius level IQ,** there are quite a few people who have much higher IQ than he did. The surprising thing is Einstein had a much higher ratio of glial to neutrons in his brain than most people. (See link below.) ** That is in the one type, out of the eight different types, of intelligence we generally test for. ---- ---- (F.Y.I. Albert Einstien did did NOT believe in a personal, prayer answering god or gods.) ------------------ One other thing I do, is GIVE BLOOD! American Red Cross -- Donate Now! Many generous Americans nationwide have been donating blood to ensure a sustained and secure blood supply for all. --- --- While I can understand why the small percent of people who can not give blood do not do so, I can NOT figure out how so many others can DONATE BLOOD be so totally SELFISH as to not do it, It does NOT take much time, It does NOT hurt, We do NOT need all the blood we have AND Our bodies replenish it. Nor, can I understand how people do not sign up to be organ donors in the event of their untimely death. To me, both not giving blood and not signing up to be an organ donor are two of the most selfish acts a human can do. Many Christians rant and rave about how caring they are and yet by far, most Americans are Christians. Yet there is a constant demand for blood because not enough of it is donated. (Can you tell I do not like hypocrites?) ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! So everyone reading this, just do not talk about caring about others, GO GIVE BLOOD! Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Phillip Black

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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/18/2007 3:10:39 PM

"Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,
you have done unto Me."
  Matthew 25:40

Hi JeanMarie,

Thank you for the invitation to your Inspirational Forum.

I wish to express my appreciation and admiration for your dedication to Cancer Research, and in particular Breast Cancer.  I have been fortunate enough to have been associated with our local and State Relay for Life Organization for the past twelve years, since my Dad passed away from Cancer back in 1994.  As I am certain that you would also attest to, the Rewards far outweigh the time and/or money which you bring to the cause.  May God Bless you for all that you are doing.

I personally have a calling to work with other Groups as well.  Originally through our Church, I have been blessed to work with our local Homeless Shelter for several years, either cooking and serving meals, cleaning up the yards and buildings, and sometimes, just sitting down with someone for a friendly conversation.  Shelters in all areas are constantly in need of Volunteers.

Through Communities-in-Schools, I am currently working with a very bright young man, tutoring, advising, and generally just trying to help him through all those special "bumps" in the road that sometimes seem impossible to get over.  Similar programs exixt in most areas of the country, and once again, Volunteers are always needed and welcomed.

These are just a few of the opportunities available in all of our Communities to give back a little for all that we have been given by our Father.  It's truly amazing how a smile, and often times, a tear, can make us Thankful for the Abundant Blessings from our Father in Heaven.

Thank You For The Chance To Share,

Phil Black  



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Jean Marie

199 Posts
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Re: I try to help make the world a bit better by.....
1/18/2007 5:41:47 PM

Hi Phil!!!

Thank you for the post and for all you do for your community!  It is truly rewarding to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.  There is so much need in this world, and yes, I truly believe that each little bit we can do helps.

You must find the tutoring you do to be rewarding.  To actually witness & be a part someone increasing their knowledge and level of self-esteem is joyous.

Wouldn't it be grand if everyone gave something back to humankind?  It wouldn't have to be much, just something, some kindness, a shoulder, an ear, donating blood, a hug, cleaning up a park or playground, planting a tree or flowers, I could go on & on! Could you imagine a world where everyone did something???

Thanks again & may you always share in His Love...

Take care,


JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"

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