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Joe Downing

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/28/2007 2:11:19 AM
Thank you all!  I was thinking that receiving all those ads was just part of being in this AdlandPro place.  I naturally just deleted them ans someone who didn't really want to be friends, they just wanted me to "buy" something from them.  I guess we will need a "no send" list.  :)
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Danny Mills

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
2/17/2007 1:37:39 PM

Amen kenneth!

If you want to advertise create a forum people can advertise in and promote it. There are many way you can advertise in Adland with easy.



Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
2/17/2007 1:40:44 PM
This is great Ken.  I would feel that it would be rather rude to invite someone to be a friend and in the same invitation pitch them on your business. 

That's like asking a lady out on a date and then saying by the way do you have sex on the first date.
I got tired of struggling to succeed in building my business. It's frustrating doing things that don't work, time and time and time again. So I searched and searched. I found resources that could help me and others. Do you know anyone else who might need
Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
2/17/2007 1:49:55 PM
Hi Kenneth, Very good post. You just said what a lot of us were apparently already thinking.
Warm regards, Jr Reedy
Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
2/17/2007 3:39:16 PM

Hi Ken:

First, there was someone here at TGAMM and who was close to me that just lost their job for spamming many on our friends list and our safe list, etc. This was there 3rd infraction.

Next, one of my new interns asked me, " why do we send out ads, etc, to other marketers, they are already into their own thing on line and could care less about ours." I tried to have them understand that as a radio station having qualified marketers to promote to will have them offer suggestions, become part of program offered and in most cases, create an avenue for discussion where the process of , " each one teach one ", can be applied.

If I may, there is a paragraph in AMI'S Marketing Manual© I would like to share with those here, one that is relative to this very subject:

" Page 6

Chapter 2


The Marketing Partner

...." As you promote and advertise who you are and what you do, keep in mind that your sales team must make it easier for merchants to advertise in the smaller markets. Then, they will become your partner and talk about the great job you are doing for them.  Each client, or customer, is a positive walking billboard to help you promote who you are and what you offer.  Treat them as your best friend and they will treat you accordingly.

Note: Be their friend as an honest gesture, not just to get their business. Your greatest treasure in business is the same one in life - your friends. "

To your continued success,

Joe Buccheri



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