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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
4/5/2007 1:32:41 PM
Just a reminder that you can grab this url and direct anyone here in a reply that places ads in your private messege box.

Here's the url if you are unsure.

just copy, paste and link it.

Have a very safe holiday.

Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
4/16/2007 12:11:39 AM
Interesting thoughts, & I agree with you. Most of us would call it being pushy, some of us would also call it rude. Me, I call it plain ignorant. I have been following this thread with interest, and will continue to do so.
Happiness is not a destination, it is the journey. Take care, and may your god be with you always.
Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
5/2/2007 10:44:34 AM
LMBO, sorry but I can't help but to laugh at this topic as I have been trying to understand what is so difficult in understanding the diffirence in the messages and it still to this day eludes me, I must say in my mind the diffirence is obvious but I in my real world job as I now work part time as a maintainence supurvisor at a local truck stop and you would be amazed at the idiots that will blatently park in every spot that you post a NO PARKING sign and every time I approach them and enlighten them that they are in a no parking zone they look at me with this blank DUH! stare and say I'm only gonna be a minute to which I reply well the sign planly says NO PARKING not "I'm only gonna be a minute parking"  and they still ignore me like I never said a word to them  and the same goes for offers made by others on the internet as they advertise a free program and at the end of the offer they place the text for a small one time fee of or for a limited time only, so I think you can see why I had to laugh about this topic, some people just don't care what the language reads or means they are going to do as they please no matter what, and the really funny part about my job situation is I will walk inside and stop at the fuel desk where the truckers pay for their fuel and I will lean on the counter and comment out loud that maybe the driving instructors and DMV's should start testing these drivers on  comprehention of the the english language and signage other that that that says FOOD and fuel or rest stop along with teaching some of them better hygiene as we do provide showers at the truck stop but I tell you some of these guys smell worse than the farm animal trailers they are hauling around and I have actually gotten sick to my stomach and lost my lunch at the passing of a few of them, there is just no excuse for this in our society.
Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
5/2/2007 11:22:49 AM

Hi, John,

While I certainly agree with you on the shower thing, being on the truck OTR myself for 6 years, I also have to say that there is a need for all driver training to renew its teaching on signery and driving in general. For instance, people eed to learn the difference between yield and merge! It is a total society problem that people just ignore the signs around them unless it suits their needs!

Not just in driving but in every day life. I have witnessed this also with the handicapped parking spaces, no food and drink signs in certain places, no cell phone use, no smoking (and i am not bashing smokers. I am one myself), as well as the NO ADS PLEASE posts all through the forum! It just amazes me to think how many people just disrespect others wishes to suit their own needs!

I even get spammed with ads on my comment page at MySpace when they plainly state no business ads! I have even turned one guy in twice after sending him a message didn't stop him from spamming my comment box with the same message over and over! Even on a memorial site I have ther for tribute to people who have passed on! That is what really set me off! If he had actually read that profile, he would have seen what it was and known it was not the place for an ad.

Why do people do this? It is certainly of no use to their business to annoy potential prospects or customers! I just don't get it! Just call me "green" because it seems to me that this only serves the purpose of making people want to join any other business or buy any other products EXCEPT what these people have!


Bj Burgess

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Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
5/7/2007 6:41:56 AM

Hi Kenneth

I totally enjoy this thread. I am new to Adland, and I've made my way around and picked up some friends, and it never fails, daily, I get 5- 10 messages, that are just that 'ADS'.

I've gotten to where I hate to go and read them, but I do, because you never know, it maybe a FRIEND stopping by to say "Hey you ok, need any help finding your way around Adland?"

I don't think I've seen that one yet, but I'm still waiting on it.

But I do occassionally get a message, asking me questions about my business, in which case I will answer. But, to bombard our messages with Ads. Like you all say, the forums and the classified section is just for that.

What's the saying Earl Pitts says, "Wake up America", Well, "Wake up Adland Friends"

Thanks for the invite to this forum and keep on doing what you are doing.




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