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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/6/2007 7:36:55 PM
Well Elizabeth if you tell me how to go, I would still be wandering around. I go by landmarks which makes me a visual learner.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/6/2007 7:39:28 PM
Hi Kathy, So our Tupperware person knows that when you talk about the latest product the potential customer may not be paying attention when you are talking, but will perk up when they hold it and pop that lid. What if you talk about a beautiful bowl but don't show it? The visual person will be talking to their friends and not paying one bit of attention to you.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/6/2007 7:43:37 PM
Pamela, Some say we may have more than one way we learn differing on what we are trying to learn. If someone gives you only oral directions, you will be asking for landmarks so that you can visualize where you are going. Having to hear things over and over is happening to me also. I wander if the other methoss of learning demish as we learn to use our strong method of remembering. Yes, as we age we must exercise our mind. I will touch on that subject later.
Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/7/2007 9:48:34 AM
Mary, I read about the subject and then talk about it, but it really sinks in when I am shown how it works and then do it myself. Then if I can show someone else the subject becomes cemented in my mind. I like to know the nuts and bolts, the 'why' of how something works. I guess my nursing background makes me that way :-) As for driving directions, I go with a map and landmarks - verbal directions get all mixed up in my head!
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/7/2007 11:26:20 AM
Lorraine, You definitely are a nuts and bolts person. If you are shown, then you can apply. I enjoy working with you because I know that is how you learn. That's why we have a good relationship.

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