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Dave Cottrell

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WealthToolBox Exposed
12/30/2006 3:38:31 PM
Greetings, dear friends, I just received an email asking for a little information on a 'company' that is being promoted here on Adlandpro, as well as in various emails throughout the online world. The company is being promoted as WealthToolbox ( After a very short amount of research, I was able to pass on the following reply: (It's certainly a good idea to check these things out thoroughly! ) I've just done a very quick check and have found three things that make me seriously doubt that this is a good thing to get involved in. First of all, they are using Aweber for their system, and at present their Aweber account is not active, most likely meaning they are not up-to-date on their payments. This also makes it impossible to sign up or refer new members at this time. I would expect a much greater level of professionalism from a true investment company. Secondly, according to their terms, they do not pay out for 24 months, meaning that you could spend 24 months promoting something and helping them to grow a very large mailing list, only to discover that it was all in vain. Thirdly, again according to their terms, they say that they have chosen Paypal as their payment processor. For this type of company, this is a very unwise choice, and even if they are legitimate (which I seriously doubt so far), it is very likely that Paypal would freeze their account, as this kind of company raises all kinds of red flags with Paypal. In addition, the whole website is cheap, unimaginative, and generic. It seems very likely that the main idea is to grab email addresses for an email list, which is exactly what Aweber systems are used for. Furthermore, their privacy statement is probably the shortest and most unprofessional one I have ever seen. I've also checked into the so-called main organization known as Geopoint Marketing or Geoservices. Both websites ( and are down for maintenance and have been for a while. They are registered to Mr. Domenico Pagano, a resident of Rome, Italy. Neither of these sites appear to be connected in any way with the well-known and respected Geopoint and Geoservice software systems. In summary, it does look like a good one to stay away from at this time. While it does not appear to be harmful in its present form, it could land you a ton of spam. It is very important to remember that nothing in the world of business is ever truly free. There is going to be a cost involved if there is even a remote possibility of you making any money. Along with that cost always comes the possibility of losing your investment, whether it is money or a great deal of time. God bless, Dave Note: I will also be posting it in several other related forums, so no, you're not seeing double!
Jo Matthias

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Re: WealthToolBox Exposed
12/30/2006 4:15:52 PM

Hello Dave,

Looks like another 'company' that is destined to take a lot of people for a bad ride.

I use CallingID (a free program, at ).  The risk assessment reads as follows...


The site you accessed is
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Site owner hides its identity
The site ownership has been identified.
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This site currently being accessed has a CallingID risk assessment of High Risk.
Before you proceed please visually verify this is the site you want to visit and give information with caution as hackers often use this connectivity type. contains access to one or more other site pages based on where you place the cursor or enter data on the page. CallingID will alert you and highlight the target site with the CallingID Risk Assessment. 



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Dave Cottrell

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Re: WealthToolBox Exposed
12/30/2006 4:19:48 PM
Hi Jo, Thank you for the information. This 'company' definitely looks less and less legitimate as more information comes out. God bless, Dave
Tom Sparrow

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Re: WealthToolBox Exposed
12/30/2006 5:13:15 PM

The more people that see this, the better!!! This is the major problem out there today and it is only going to get worse...SCAMMERS are around every corner!!! We need to do our homework and on top of that, most of these so called Ground Floor, HOT NEW DEALS are just as bad! They mislead people into their HYPED up cons of being the first, recruit everyone else, watch your group grow huge, you can't lose, etc.....

Now, the real deal is this: Over 98% of ALL these HOT NEW DEALS FAIL in their first 2 years of operation, so guess who is left holding the bag? All the people who were buffaloed into joining and promoting it thinking if they are at the TOP, they can't lose!!! Think again!!! For me, even if I were looking, I would NEVER join a program that is less than 3 years old, period!!! No matter how good it looks, they have NO track record whatsoever! I don't even care if the owners have had tons of successes in the past, it makes no difference to me!

Statistics do not lie and when you sink so much time and money into a program to watch it go down, you can never recover that time & money lost! Also, if you lead people into it and it fails, those people will not follow you if you go elsewhere!

So, do your homework like Dave did:

1] READ the policies and procedures of ANY company you join! I know of several companies that have this policy in effect that can be the death of you if you don't look> If you move your personally sponsored people into ANY other program, they have the right to terminate you without recourse! Even if the company is NON competiting!!!

2] Look very close at your personal sponsor for support!

3] Study the owners and their background!

4] See what support is provided to help you build it!

5] What marketing materials, conference calls, 3-way calls are available!

6] Does the product stand out or is it just another me too product?

7] Is the company debt free or do they have a lot of debt to payoff?

8] Try and get a product that is consumable so that you truly have a reocurring income stream as people reorder every month! An example of one that is not is this phone it once and done!

9] Find a product that is not in stores too! Same thing here as the phone charger is available at CVS stores and many others!

10] This is my opinion, but I believe it to be true...Find a product that has major impact on people's lives like a health product!

Happy New Year and good luck to all!   Tom  :o) 

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Jill Bachman

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Re: WealthToolBox Exposed
12/30/2006 5:19:57 PM
Thanks Dave for a great informative post, and thank you Jo for an awesome link!  I was not aware of kudos to you  :-)

Happy New Year and Onward and Upward,  Jill


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