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James Wright

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Re: New Years Reflections and Resolutions...Top Ten List
1/9/2007 10:52:36 AM

3. What would I have done differently? Why?

I probably should have spent more time in contemplating the life of Christ. The reason is because I value my salvation and what eternity has to offer.

James Wright

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Re: New Years Reflections and Resolutions...Top Ten List
1/9/2007 10:59:14 AM

4. What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?

Often times I find that circumstances make it easy for me to not finish a project. If I find something that seems to be more important, then the project I started may get put on the backburner. In this case, I would say I attempted to find me a partner for life, but ultimately it did not work out, so it had to be released.  I still feel incomplete, because I am single. I don't believe that God intended for man to be that way. Of course, it's better to be single than to be paired up with the wrong person!

James Wright

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Re: New Years Reflections and Resolutions...Top Ten List
1/9/2007 11:04:43 AM

5. What were the most significant events of the year past? List the top three.

1. I created a website.

2. I won the race for POTW, and it was taken away from me.

3. I found a connection to enable me to improve my business opportunities in    the Caribbean.

James Wright

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Re: New Years Reflections and Resolutions...Top Ten List
1/9/2007 11:10:22 AM

6. What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about? What was my greatest contribution?

I try to do everything right. My sinful nature, however, makes it impossible! My last name is Wright, so I have a reputation to live up to!!  I love to help people, and it makes me feel good inside when I know I did something to help someone less fortunate than me.  My greatest contribution in this case, was to help a senior citizen in need.

James Wright

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Re: New Years Reflections and Resolutions...Top Ten List
1/9/2007 11:15:36 AM

7. What were the fun things I did? What were the things that were not fun?

I would say the most fun thing I most recently did last year was spending New Year's Eve in a place called Trujillo, Peru. I learned a little of the culture on how they celebrate the incoming new year, and doing away with the old.

Probably one of the hardest things to do is tell someone they have to leave. I cannot go into details on this one, but circumstances deamed it necessary.


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