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Lucy Walker

241 Posts
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Re: Kevin Trudeau Fraud
10/2/2006 9:57:13 PM


A very close friend of mine actually gave me a copy of Trudeau's book a few months ago. She read it and was thoroughly convinced that he had the answer to my medical problems.

It is very verbose and repetitive. I am frankly surprised that noone has charged him with plaigarism. There is no profoundly new concept or new information. No illustrations or graphics, no recipes. It has a catchy title that has probably carried it. It reads like an internet advertisement.

I read a lot of books about alternative medicine, and cooking with healthful herbs. Natural healing, homeopathic remedies etc.  This is the first one that I have ever read that has such a strongly stated disclaimer in the beginning of the book.

To be absolutely honest it reads like some of the websites and ads that I encounter as I surf the various traffic exchanges. I had never thought of it until I read your forum post.

Within the book he claims that one of the solutions to the problem (the government is hiding medical cures from us) is to subscribe to his newsletter and become a member of his website.

I was not impressed by his book. And now I know that I was not alone. For instance, some of his info seems lifted from the Natural Healing Series by Mark Bricklin, and another by Jean Rogers.

A lot of what he says is true, but he does not have the answer. He is simply parroting what he has skimmed through in other books. He wrote a book expressing his opinion. He is very clear that it is his opinion and applauds anyone with the nerve to read the book.  I was also not impressed by that.

"Before you read this book you had better check with your medical doctor, your friends, your polititicians, your priest, your rabbi, your psychic, and anyone you feel is smarter than you, and see if you can get permission to read what I have to say."

It really is crap and anyone who chooses to follow his advice rather than see a physician is a fool. They would be better off following the voice of Prevention  publishers, at least they have real herbalists and physicians on staff.

What program was he on? I'd like to see it. He has no real expertise. He just wrote the book for money to promote his internet business. I am really surprised at what people will buy.

I never challenged my friend about him because I realize that she was only trying to help. She was worried about me.

You really dig up the good ones. I never thought I would see that little cutie (oh and that also helps his cause. His photo on the cover of the book. He is a handsome man.)called a fraud.



Donald Rich

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Re: Kevin Trudeau Fraud
10/2/2006 10:03:05 PM
Sheryl Loch

1260 Posts
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Re: Kevin Trudeau Fraud
10/2/2006 10:58:21 PM

Hello Nick,

I really had to sit and think if I wanted to post. So I will keep it short.

I first read the book that I borrowed from a friend. I think it should be required reading. I have Cait reading it! I do not want her to get caught up in the pharmaceutical wars. Dr's seem to run in trends, everyone that month has high blood pressure, next month they all have high blood sugar....

This book is about the fact that the pharmaceutical companies wants to control everything! You can not patent a natural (God Given) plant, therefore the pharmaceutical companies & the government can not control it and make money on it. I was in school with allot of Naturopathic Physicians as instructors they fight with this everyday. The FDA allows big companies to get by with murder!! Poison people & then sell them a pill!! Just follow the money trail!!!

As far as the cures - No this book is not full of cures!!

I changed to sea salt & lost 40 pounds in 3 months. It helped my friends blood pressure!

I have cut out high fructose corn syrup & now my blood sugar is under control.

Dill pickles & vinegar works great for heartburn.

The Doctors wanted to give me a pill for these things - those pills caused side effect that would then need another pill....

I would suggest that people read it & take any part that will benefit them. The book cost me $14.88 at Wal Mart.

I believe many Dr's are bigger frauds, why else would you need a 2nd or 3rd opinion?

Well that is just my thoughts on the subject.

Have a great day,


Here is a great article but, it may be to close to the truth!

FDA outlaws vitamin D, seeks to destroy sun to protect Americans from sunlight (satire)

Re: Kevin Trudeau Fraud
10/2/2006 11:01:35 PM

Hi Nick

Thanks for caring for your friends from this type of vermin.

Warm hugs

EA Gough
Re: Kevin Trudeau Fraud
10/3/2006 12:18:07 AM
Hello Nick,

I am going to agree with Sheryl on this. I am sorry that means I have to disagree with you and those who say this book is a fraud.

I find the overall message of Kevin Trudeau's book to be useful. I agree it is much like a infomercial. That does not mean that there are no good points.

There is nothing new under the sun. Perhaps many of Kevin's points are taken from other organizations. He appears to be doing a much better job at getting the message out that others.

The title of his book and the main message that the marriage of Dr's and big Pharma has created a monster is an important message to get out. If you get nothing else from the book, I hope you get that message.

One of the books I point people all the time is The Hundred Year Lie by Randall Fitzgerald. You would do well to read it. Knowledge is power and we need all the power we can get in this toxic world. Randall uses the research of the CDC and others to show how our own bodies have become a test beaker of toxic soup because of the synthetic chemicals we have been exposed to over the last hundred years by Big Pharma and others.

Before you cry fraud and scam too long and hard look at the money trail. Kevin Trudeau has put a good portion of his money into advertising this book. There are certain interests that would rather the message of his book not get out.

One of my mantras is if you can not point to a better solution, do not remove or replace what is there now.

It is easy to cry foul. That seems to be a popular notion these days. I believe we have to be careful with the finger pointing. A finger pointing frenzy can lead to hasty judgements.

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