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Re: Fibrofog
8/20/2007 7:07:38 PM
It seems that I have fibrofog all the time just in varying degrees. I almost always have trouble with pulling words out of my brain that I know. They are usually easy words. I'll want someone to pass something at the table and will not be able to come up with the word. It's very frustrating. My family used to get mad at me for always saying "thing". Get that "thing". Thing became my word for any time that I can't think and come up with the word. They have gotten used to it now and usually know what I am saying. I will also, sometimes, say some really goofy things and not even know what I've said. I'll ask for something and they'll be looking at me funny and say did you mean----? and I'll say yes, what did I say. They'll tell me and I'll say, well, you know what I meant. Half the time they don't even bother to correct me anymore. Another thing I've noticed is that I seem to be overly sensitive to smells and light. I have trouble sleeping if there are different smells in the house, like when I'm cooking meat overnight in the crockpot or something. In the morning my husband will want to turn lights on first thing and I'm hiding from it. If he turns the lights on in the kitchen, I leave until he is done and then I come in and turn them off. I don't turn lights on in the house unless it gets really dark. Anyone else have these symptoms or am I just weird? Linda
Lisa Robertson

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Re: Fibrofog
8/20/2007 8:44:15 PM
No Linda,
You are not weird we all experience a bit of the fog sometimes I think.
I get frustrated but I remember that doesn't make me weird it just makes me special!

It means I have to take extra special care of myself. And maybe treat myself better from time to time! I think that these episodes are changing in me lately though.

I can not drink milk anymore, all of the sudden one day every cup of milk tastes curdled to me. I loved milk drank it regularly now I can't drink it anymore.

We even wasted almost a whole gallon because I thought it was bad so I wouldn't let anyone drink it. Then my husband went and got a new one and it tasted bad too!!

Then we realized it must have been a fibro thing!

Light always bothers me, and my eye doctor says that my eyes are extra dry I have to use drops three or four times a day now. Or they hurt bad.

The sun light hurts them and even the light from the light bulbs! I wear my sunglasses in the house a lot of the time!

So I think we all go through it just on different levels! My house has air freshener everywhere because all sorts of smells make me sick!

I cant stay in the house without it. I don't go outside much either. Just keep talking to your support here and think about how special you have become it always helps me!

Home Improvement
Lisa Robertson
Re: Fibrofog
8/20/2007 11:02:37 PM
Well, I have to say I don't feel so strange anymore. I'm not as sensitive to light as you are, although, I do notice that I need my sunglasses more outside than I used to. People will ask why the lights aren't on and I just don't think of it. To me, it doesn't look that dark. I light candles quite a bit, too, for the smells. My 17 yr old daughter has some health problems. I thinks she has fibro but the Dr says she doesn't think so. She has muscle/joint pain, mostly joint, she doesn't sleep well and sometimes doesn't sleep at all. She will do dumb things, like me, and when I ask her what she's doing, she says, I don't know, duh! She especially has a hard time with walking too much as her hip and leg hurts. I just got some supplements that I'm hoping will help with this and some other health problems. I'm thinking of just taking one at a time so I can get an idea of what is working and what isn't. If I start taking 3 or 4 supplements at once I'd have not idea whta was working. Linda
Donna Zuehl

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Re: Fibrofog
8/20/2007 11:22:16 PM
Hi Lisa, Lights bother me a lot too and have as far back as I can remember. The florescent bulbs (uncovered) at work bothered me for years. I could see them flicker, which my co-workers didn't seem to notice. Bright sunlight hurts my eyes so I buy the darkest prescription sunglasses I can find. When my husband has the bright lights on over his sink in the bathroom I have to cover my eyes because they hurt. I can use the overhead light with regular bulbs in the bathroom but not the brighter ones over the mirror. I hope we can all keep in touch and keep comparing symptoms. Perhaps we can help each other. DonnaZ
Donna Zuehl

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Re: Fibrofog
8/20/2007 11:25:35 PM
Hi Linda, It is a good idea to start slowly with supplements or anything else you add to your diet. Taking one new thing at a time is the right way to do it. Also, if the directions call for several pills a day, just start with one pill a day for a couple weeks to make sure the ingredients agree with you. It seems that lots of ingredients can aggravate those of us with fibromyalgia, and it is difficult to figure out which ones are causing problems. DonnaZ

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