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This is kind of sad, really. You think?
7/27/2006 12:21:40 AM


So, the social networking thread went on a little tangent for a bit. That's not what's sad. lol.

It got off on a slight tangent about the number of people that send out biz-opps like they're going out of style, and other sort of "spammy" emails. And really, it's not just here. Anyone who has an email account knows THAT!

I once got 10 pieces of spam from the same guy in an hour. There was a phone number on his site, so I called it. He was shocked and mortified. He didn't know. He was just some naive guy that had paid a 'promotion' site a good amount of money to send him traffic. They were spamming his site like crazy.

There's a little theory about everything in life. We can't excel without learning. Anyone can hold a paintbrush, but if we don't learn color theory and depth and shading and shadowing, we probably won't ever paint a Mona Lisa. Same thing with being a race car driver, or a writer, or pretty much anything worth being.

Thing is, when it comes to the Internet, most people have no clue where to learn or who to listen to. It's not that they didn't try to learn. It's usually that they believed the wrong person and are following instructions... bad instructions. At least, that's what I see.

I try to go through life with this thought; Is what I'm doing getting me where I want to go? If not, why am I doing it? What do I need to learn? Where can I learn it?

I guess not everyone does this? Oddly, that helps me stay on track so I like the face in the mirror. That's a big deal to me.

When it's someone that has an income, either from a day job or a high paid spouse - it's probably not that big a deal. Part of the learning curve. But when people who are in an already bad position are following bad advice that will not help them - I think it's kind of sad.

You think?

Re: This is kind of sad, really. You think?
7/27/2006 12:47:42 AM

I agree with you Linda! It is especially sad for the small business owner/wah parent who is naive to internet marketing and sales. I am always seeking new ways to network and grow my businesses, but have little advertising budget and would like to find a way to promote more without taking so much of my own time...but I guess that just doesn't exist.

You have to keep at it until you succeed and determination will get you where you want to go.


Patty Parenting, Child Development, Shopping Resource Gifts and Party supplies for everyone and every event! Low Cost Advertising
Re: This is kind of sad, really. You think?
7/27/2006 12:58:35 AM
Linda i'm sure most of what you say is true/ let me ask a simple question. Do people really want to solve the spam problem? moat of the adds youare talking about were sent by aperson that was convinced thay they had the only true busunes opportunity so they ahve a closed mind about spam or the resolution of the problem. All the great men of history that really changed the course of events wetr men of great vision and was always open to chamge. How manny marketer's are willing to dare to check out adifferent concept tham they are so set on Dare to check out change and see if it meets the challange that it presents, If you will thourly check out the spam free private comminucation sysyem, i belive you will agree that it will solve the problem of spam for good. So if you are really inetrested in solving this problem contact me at.
No1 newnetmail "the way email was meant to be; join now feel free to u grade to make it your home business http; http/
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: This is kind of sad, really. You think?
7/27/2006 1:22:04 AM


I do wish you would stop making these intellectual threads. I'm trying hard to restrict my time here now so that I don't make a mockery of what I alluded to in another thread.


There are givers and takers. When the balance is out of kilter then people (like me) perceive an unfairness in the ether. That creates a disturbance that some (like me) feel the need to rectify.


Re: This is kind of sad, really. You think?
7/27/2006 4:10:49 AM

Hi Gary!

ditto re. spending too much time on Adland Pro., I have been doing the same thing. I have also been doing a lot of blocking people who come on with a so-called 'personal message for you'.  This REALLY annoys me, and this is the only way I know of stopping it.

Two things apply here - and I speak frm xperience so it's not being a clever dick.

1) Applying for 'more traffic for your site' is an open invitation to Spammers. What traffic you want is 'qualified traffic' - which you surely won't get from these guys.

2) Have you been following 'clicks fraud' that Google is now having to address?  This, people is all about the 'pay to surf' offers, and in case you don't know it - you are subscribing to spam when you do it - AND at leats in the USA this is now illegal and Google having been hit for a fair few million dollars in compensation claims, will be watching more carefully - and your sites could vanish of their search engine if they land on you.

Regrettably Gary, people still believe in the unbelievable, they accept as truth the uncheckable (as is most on the internet).

I hear we are now far hotter here than in OZ!  My office (non-airconditioned) has just gone past 40 degrees!   We are not geared up for these temperatures here.

Norm Clark

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