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Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 12:01:49 AM
I was reading an article about the corporations that are trying to figure out how to get in on the "social networking" craze but don't "get" the concept. If you're not sure what social networking is, think MySpace, Blogs, and even communities like Adland.

In my humble opinion, a lot of people don't "get" the concept of social networking, and I don't just mean corporate suits. Social networking is about real conversation with real people, whose feedback might not always agree with you, and might not always be positive.

Imagine, for example, that I like fishing. So, I invite a half dozen other fishing afficianados over to talk fishing. So, we're sitting there swapping monster fish and the one that got away stories, with Joe telling me I'm wrong about the best bait and Sue saying that women can fish as good as men and it's not a male sport.. when in walks a new guy. You know what he better do? He better talk fish.

And that's what too many people don't get. Too many people see the number of "users" or "eyeballs" and they start getting dollar signs in their eyes.

This applies to individuals as well as dinosaurs in suits. The number of blogs and community profiles that are nothing but sales pages and sales pitches makes me shake my head in amazement. Frankly, they're even less appealing than reading an angst-ridden pre-teen's diary, and there's a lot that read like that, too.

We all love our pets and our family. We'd all like to get rich really fast. But frankly, on the Internet, everyone has A.D.D. If you're not talking to me, in a real conversation I can participate in, I'm gone as fast as I can click my mouse.

You know that conversation around the table? Whether it's about fishing, marketing, dogs or health, it's happening in realtime... except you can't see the other people. If you're not interesting, there are no other people. You're the weird guy standing there in a crowd talking just to hear yourself.

Social networking actually involves being social. Sociable. What a concept, hey?

: )

P.S. Go ahead - comment. What do *you* think of most blogs and profiles you see? Hey, maybe start with the mail you get right here. Heh, heh.... I dare you. It might be an eye opener for some people.
Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 12:12:02 AM
Hi Linda,

Well said as usual. I think what you are saying is true but AdlandPro and all other P2P or social networking sites I know of do not have a way of preventing email in the form of what many would consider to be spam. We have many friends here more than we would possible have in the "real" world. Those friends have things to say. They can not see we are in the room or "mood" to just hear fish stories at the momoent. So they send us and all their friends an email message with a title hoping to grab our attention enough that at some point we will look at what they have to say.

There simply is no way at present to know what we are really interested in at this point in time. In fact many of us do not really know what we want at any given time. We might know we never want to hear from a certain person again, but that is steam that someday will go away and the block program is forever.

Start actively promoting anything and you will have some people not like it no matter what it is.

What you are saying about a conversation is true once the conversation has started. What I am talking about is how to develop a new conversation.

You and I are a structured organized people. Many things appear black and white to us, cut and dried. Not everyone sees it that simply.

DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 2:22:03 AM

Hi David!

I think what you are saying is true but AdlandPro and all other P2P or social networking sites I know of do not have a way of preventing email in the form of what many would consider to be spam.

Oh, my God -- isn't THAT the truth! LOL. If I could get just forum notices without the 2-3 dozen hot opportunities that I just have to get in on NOW -- what a treat that would be.

...many of us do not really know what we want at any given time.

Very true... but we do know who we LIKE at any given time, and that's even more important in the era of growing social networking. (more on this below)

Start actively promoting anything and you will have some people not like it no matter what it is.

That's very true. But here's an interesting thing. People buy from people they like. I have personally never promoted anything here, but I bet I've made more via Adland than the majority of people sending out their "JOIN TODAY" programs.

The one exception might be the folks promoting illegal HYIP programs. I'm sure they make a decent amount. But then, on the flip side, when the owner of 24DailyPro turned over the entire database to the FBI, I can sleep well knowing that none of the names in that database are there because of me.

But, I digress. The point is that when we like someone, we become curious about what they do. Sales generally follow. For example, anyone that has signed up under Dave Cottrell has done so because they know he's a straight up guy and calls a scam a scam. You don't see him sending out "join now" spammy emails - he just starts conversations... and some people dig deeper because they like and respect him.

I'm sure I could give lots more examples, but even so, they're still the minority. The majority still thinks "social networking" means "how can I make money off all those eyeballs" -- and then they wonder why they get no result.

What you are saying about a conversation is true once the conversation has started. What I am talking about is how to develop a new conversation.

The easiest way is to talk about the issues, tidbits, news and trivia related to one's genre or market category. Most people love to offer their opinion when a conversation is of interest to them. Once they start to enjoy conversing with you, they start to like you. Once they start to like you, the odds of buying from you go up.

That's the generic "you" meaning anyone, not just you specifically, of course. lol


Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 6:28:23 AM

Bonsoir Linda

You do a colossal work. Your ebook " 

The Shocking Truth About Internet Marketing"

is very interesting. 

  Like you, and from my vocation of French teacher I am also tried by the copywritng… But how to make documents pdf?  

 Concerning the social networks, I must say that I learn from the things.

Once again; CHEER

Salutations Algériennes




Vous faites un travail colossal.Votre ebook ""

The Shocking Truth About Internet Marketing

est très interessant.

 Comme vous , et de par ma vocation d'enseignant de français, je suis tenté aussi par le copywritng...Mais comment faire un document PDF ?

Encore une fois ; BRAVO


Salutations Algériennes



Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Social networking and the weird guy talking to himself...
7/26/2006 6:44:59 AM

Dee dum dee dee,

Oh, the page has loaded already. I was only gone five minutes. Thought I'd make a cup of tea while I was waiting.

Oh dear, now one of those damn ANNOYING pop-ups has blanketed my typing.

Oh, and lookee there - another one. And a parade of uninteresting "who is next?" heads at the bottom of the page.

Now, what was I thinking? Oh yeah... almost forgot - social networking.

Pretty much I agree with both of you - Linda and David.

I swear - I'd like to whack the creator of all THESE BLOODY ANNOYING POP-UPS. I HATE THEM! They are CRAP.

Um... oh yeah - I am totally amazed at how some Adlanders use their social networking efforts to TOTALLY DESTROY THEIR CREDIBILITY. The same people send offer of the week, week after week after week - all crap, mind you but they keep sending it anyway. Every week it is a NEW best opportunity. All absolute rubbish but they keep sending it anyway and wonder why nobody is interested. Duh!

Did I mention that I'd like to whack the creator of all THESE BLOODY ANNOYING POP-UPS? Yeah, I did.

My time at Adland is all but finished. I have had enough. Too many annoying changes, too many annoying people sending me absolute rubbish and wanting to test my patience and filch my wallet with their loony "opportunities." Yeah, sure. Pull the other leg. It plays "Jingle Bells."

Sorry Linda. I am just fed up. Totally fed up. You and the other quality people who visit your forum are the only sane people here. All the rest are just time wasters. Maybe they can entertain themselves by wasting each other's time but I'm out of here.



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