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Mike Eldred

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8/12/2006 11:29:39 AM

Mary Thanks for inviteing me.  I myself have always been a gardener since childhood. My folks had a veggie garden and I took to the Potatoes. After listening and learning from my Dad My potatoes always won the Blue ribbon in the county fair. I got as many as 100 potatoe plants a year. We didn't use miracle grow or any store bought fertilizers. Except for LIME we put over the plants to deter bugs from eating the leaves. We had all the veggies growing in rows But the secret with potatoes was (HILLING) raiseing the ground that the row was planted in, and useing all natural fertilizers. Some years it was cow manure others horse manure. Chiken and pig manure is believed to be better yet but harder to find around here... MOM always planted flowers. All around the house and along side the stone wall. 2 acres of lawn makes for a lot of egding for flowers. She can manage to grow lillies of the valley where everyone else in the county can't get them to take root. hers grow aside the house and spread out into the lawn, Dad mows them after they are done flowering. I had tried transplanting them to my place first by just takeing the new sprouters. That didn't work. I had to take the dirt with them and transplant a section now they take off great. Something about the (ingredients) of moms ground on her property is my belief. Maybe many years ago the Delaware flowed where my folks house is now and the waters left great minerals in the ground.. my ancestors had this valley along with the mohawk indians. They grew their crops in the lower field and traded amoung each others. ledgers of family writeing would describe the times. Even mention of great floods in some spring thaws. This must of brought silt and minerals to the fields not pesticides and chemicals. Moms Gladiaolas would grow a good 3 feet high. Squash and cucumber spread their vines way out of the garden boundery. Beans peas tomatoes needed a supporting wire better then 4 feet high .. we would have so many veggies that we could have a road side sale..

Well the older us kids got the less foods the garden produced. We all go to the store to get most everything now... In the past years dad had learned he had cancer. This scared everyone, Luckily they caght it in time. He's like an ox. But this scare got me to searching and researching all over the net. I have laerned alot. That our store veggies don't have the minerals and vitamins in them like those of our garden. This info is in a document case # in the senate filed in 1953? 55?.       I won't get into all that... But for growing healthy gardens and plants they need minerals just like you and me.. Without them they grow small and week and don't fill out like they could and give a garden a great appearance.. Haveing a healthy garden helps you be healthy, if you grow veggies and things to eat.


I would like to invite you to a supply of natural plant fertilizer. Only 3000 + people know this secret supply. Useing natural resources this line of product is out doing what big names brands aren't. Doing it Naturally.. IF your serious about haveing great results with your gardens bookmark this link.. 


The total time working out ways your time with family.
Mary Hofstetter

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8/12/2006 12:13:39 PM

Hi Mike,

So glad you  came and gave us a glimpse of the huge family garden.  I do not remember potatoes being an item at fair judging. We have wonderful potato farms in the little town where I was born. If you click on my picture (w/panda) it will open my profile and there you can choose, "All Abolut me". where I talk about my home town of Pandora, Ohio.

Mary Hofstetter

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8/12/2006 9:12:43 PM


Hi everybody,

Here's a garden story to inspire you to get more Adlandpro friends.

Find out about the "cracked pot" and why you want to be one.

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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8/12/2006 10:16:24 PM
Hello Mary,

Thank you for the Pelargonium article. Even tough I do not have a garden, I am living in an appartment, I have lots of flowers in my balcony which is bigger than a big room.

Geranium and Plargonium are flowers with Graecogenic Latinazed words. Pelargos and Geranos are both birds. Pelargos is stork and geranos means crane. This two birds are almoste same only the colours are different.

Good to know is that when Theseus the Athenaean heroe whas on his way home after killing the Minotaur he came to Delos. Together with his friends they danced  geranos, a cyclic dance that was a mimic to the birdsä geanos dance.

Warm Regards

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Mary Hofstetter

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8/12/2006 10:29:08 PM


Your balcony garden is a place away and yes that counts as a garden.  Some even have inside gardens.  Caring for plants and enjoying them is what the garden is all about.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge of language and derivitives.

So now we see why the seed is called cranes bill. Nicely explained my Hellenic friend.

Come back again real soon.


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