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Barb Doyle

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Re: Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
8/14/2006 4:48:24 PM

Hi Ana Maria,

Thank you so much for the info. I have been trying to do this and haven't been able to figure it out yet but I will keep trying:-) I have never had a problem before with cut and paste.

Hey I just figured it out!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

Good news!

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
8/14/2006 4:55:08 PM
Hello Barb :-)

Welcome to the "interactive" lessons :-)

If I could be of some help, than I'm glad!
Anyway I'm happy to see you managing to do what you wanted to!

Your new friend,
Jenny SJ

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Re: Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
8/15/2006 8:26:16 AM
Hi Ana Maria

I have the same buttons as Rose - thus the confusion -  Do you really think that you have these extra buttons because you are a Power Member?  Can you ask Admin?  It is very odd indeed.  Do you kow anyone else with these buttons?

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Pics in the posts! How do you do that?
8/15/2006 2:44:47 PM
Hello Jenny,

Sorry for the late reply!
I'll chack out that issue and see if there is the meeter coming from. I'll be back!
