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Dave Cottrell

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New! New! 100DailyPro - updated
5/25/2006 3:18:59 PM
Hello dear friends, If that headline got your attention, please watch out! Paid autosurf and investment programs are still very popular, right now, and people are joining them in droves. They promise to pay 1% and up, daily to yearly, on the money you put in. I'm sure you're familiar with them! I've heavily researched this kind of program, including joining several at varying levels of "return" and am quite convinced that most of these programs are no more than PONZI schemes that are only able to pay their members as long as their paid membership keeps growing. I am positive that anyone paying over 2% (and even quite a few paying that much) are scams and will soon disappear. Even 2%, if it's paid daily, is a HUGE return and VERY unlikely to be legitimate. (2% X 30 days=60%!) Also, look at the fine print. If the "company" keeps the principal, then your original investment (say $100) minus the "interest" (60% of $100=$60) means that you LOSE $40. Furthermore, as happened with similar sites in the past, the competition even among the ones that may be legitimate and that may last will likely eventually kill off the rest, unless a few have wizards at the helm that are able to generate enough ad dollars to keep them going. Be careful!! Some of these sites DO pay and run very well. (That still doesn't make them legitimate.) What I have found, though, is that 2% seems to be the line and anything over this becomes increasingly risky. I've joined quite a few to test them and have started small with all of them. So far, every one has turned out to be a ponzi, or has gone broke, or is in some kind of trouble, or has simply disappeared! When you go to join any program, ask the person who introduced you to it if they have been paid! Note that this is just a starting point! The fact that they pay DOES NOT mean they're legitimate. If it offers higher than 2%, be afraid.... be VERY afraid!! :) Even if your friend has been paid, again, if it offers higher than 2%, be afraid.... be VERY afraid!! :) One of the reasons PONZIs work is because the excitement of people getting paid causes them to grow rapidly at first generating a lot of fresh cash and therefore the early ability to pay their members. Please don't even ask me to join any of these programs. I've done a lot of research on them, and my earliest predicitions have been proven. At best, they are a great way to waste time and lose money, and at the other end of the spectrum, you may be involving yourself in a criminal activity. God bless, Dave
Perfect and Immortal

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Re: New! New! 100DailyPro - updated
5/25/2006 3:30:23 PM
Thank you very much for your sound Christian advice,Dave. John
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John Leal

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Re: New! New! 100DailyPro - updated
5/25/2006 7:10:43 PM
Hi Dave Yes mate, you're probably correct in your observations, although I was doing quite well with 12DailyPro until Storm*%#@Pay decided to rip everyone off. I noticed at the bottom of your post you've written "Skepticism DOES NOT alter REALITY". Did you hear about the Sceptics meeting? Nobody showed up! Cheers, John
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: New! New! 100DailyPro - updated
5/25/2006 7:42:13 PM
Whew! For a minute there Dave, I thought you were promoting this program. I thought, what is an intelligent guy like Dave, doing advertising a scam? You really got my attention. I'm glad to see that you're bashing, not bandwagoning. You'd think that people would've learned by the mess 12Daily Pro created. I got a lot of flack from people over that program. No matter what I said that proved it was a scam, people kept on defending it, and blaming Storm Pay for their troubles. Geeeze! Have an awesome day! Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: New! New! 100DailyPro - updated
5/25/2006 9:01:22 PM
Thanks for your sound advice Dave, but I have to disagree with Trina that 12daily Pro created the mess. It was Stormpay which created the OUT OF THIS WORLD MESS!!!! I made a request withdrawal of $50.00 from my stormpay account in February 2006 which had nothing to do with 12daily Pro, and guess what! The money was taken out of my account by storm pay and then they cancelled the withdrawal. I never received my money. I contacted their customer service depart ment regarding this and was given some COCK AND BULL storey as to why I did not recieve my money. I did not close my account because I still have $46.00 in it, but I am afraid to request another withdrawal because I know that they are going to take that money too. Regards, Pauline Spence