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Arthur Webster

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
5/27/2006 9:32:17 AM
Just as long as it stays a thought you will know you are alive. And here's another thought - which is most enjoyable - the thought or the reality? Since we are cerebral creatures....... But then, that's a whole new topic.
Dave Cottrell

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
6/8/2006 4:27:54 AM
Ah, Art, I have to respond... ====================================================== Since we are cerebral creatures.... ========================================================= Where DO thoughts come from, anyway? Are they produced by our brains, or simply processed by our brains? I know when I'm opening a can of worms... God bless, Dave
Arthur Webster

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
6/8/2006 3:59:49 PM
Hi, Dave, Well, most women say that they know where a man's thoughts come from - but what about women? Where do theirs come from? If a thought is simply processed by our brain, it stands to reason that the source of the thought is elsewhere, in the same way that our intestines process food that has been introduced though the mouth. throat and stomach. Where else can a thought originate? It is a fact that someone who has never learned to speak cannot think in words, in the same way that someone who has been blind from birth, cannot, visually, dream in a lucid form - but do we think in words? I often get the feeling that my thoughts are very much more rapid than the words with which I 'verbalise' them in my head. Do I really have a conversation with myself when making a choice or have I already made the choice and am I then simply convincing my brain that I made the correct one? This is a massive subject so I hope some others give us their 'thoughts' on the matter.
Donna Zuehl

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
6/8/2006 4:24:51 PM
Wow Dave. You sure know how to get the ball rolling for a great forum. I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I thought the deterioration of the younger generations' standards was just in the U. S. but it seems to be pervasive in other free nations too. I agree that the current generation wants to be continually entertained. If they see a toy, for example, they say "what does it do?" or "is that all it does?" rather than using their imagination or creativity. Violence and sexual permissiveness pervade the TV programs and video games. Where did all this come from and why can't it be stopped? Scantily clad females are used in commercials to sell everything. I wonder how much longer this will continue before the journey turns to better values, morals,ideas, creativity, wanting to make the world a better place, etc? DonnaZ
Dave Cottrell

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Re: I Got Mooned on Mainstreet!
6/9/2006 4:36:36 AM
Hi Donna, Thanks for visiting! History tells us that any society that continues in the direction ours is going will eventually fall. As people become more and more self-centred, with fewer and fewer personal and/or state-enforced restrictions on behaviour in favour of individual rights, eventually you have a large group of individuals living in one area, rather than a community of individuals caring for one another and living in mutual respect. It just doesn't work. It's much like a group of young, completely undisciplined children in a roomfull of toys - everyone wants what the other one has, and believes it's his or her right to take it. Hopefully our society will put the brakes on before it's too late. God bless, Dave

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