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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/13/2006 10:48:19 AM
Hi Grover, Thanks for coming by. News flash: An 80 year old woman was caught stealing a can of peaches. Because there were 6 peaches in the can, the judge gave her a 6 day sentence. Before finishing the judical statement the husband interrupted with "Sir, she also stole a can of peas". Visit here for my panda joke. Have a nice day!!
Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/13/2006 3:54:57 PM
Mary, you have one great sense of Humor. Thanks for sharing.
Nap Jones

Stop working for pennies and cents and move up to real good commissions
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/13/2006 4:40:24 PM
Hi Nap, Well yes, I guess I do. Would you believe I also suffer from seasonal depression. But then winter is over so now I can lighten up. Days are longer and I get to enjoy sunshine. I look forward to picnics. Hope you will be a contributer to our cookbook. I need some one with a power name to sponsor the project, Napoleon.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/14/2006 6:42:05 AM
Hi Rose, Glad you enjoyed the humor. It sure does lighten the load of each day's burdens. Happy Mother's day.