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Herb Gruenewald

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Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/12/2006 7:07:18 PM
Hi Mary, I liked that, it was really funny. I do most of the cooking around here, but I seldom get a cook book out. I just add a little of this or that, like mommy used to do. Unless I'm making cookies or a pie. We don't eat very many sweets. Today I made a lemon marrinated pork fillet. Turned out to be very tasty. I'll try some of your selections, maybe it's not too late for me to be a gourmet chef. Keep up the good work. Thanks, Your friend, Herb
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/12/2006 7:21:22 PM
Hi Herb, There is nothing greater than creativity in the kitchen. I hope I served you a good helping of laughter.
Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/12/2006 8:03:13 PM
HI Mary, Well, I don't know about your cooking skills, but your sense of humor skills are quite good! LOL! :) I love the post, very funny! Happy Cooking! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/12/2006 8:43:58 PM
Hi Marilyn, We cooks all know you have to keep a sense of humor. Once I baked bread but forgot the salt. I tried putting salt in melted butter to spread on the bread. Still did not work. Boy if that don't just "beat it all". Stick around and enjoy our Community Cookbook
Re: One french fry short of a Happy Meal
5/12/2006 9:25:24 PM
Hello Mary, That was wonderful. I had just read another forum b4 coming to this one, which was quite disturbing and had made me sad. Your post just perked me up, it's great, thankyou so much for the laugh. More please, Jadranka