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Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 2:39:07 PM
Hi Tom, (and our absent Linda) Thank you Tom for your continued friendship. Yes I addressed this to both you and our mutual Friend Linda Peregory who has left recently to persue her dream. You have both given and showed me the love that true friendships can bring. Linda is sadly missed by many I know, but with progress also comes sacrifices, of the way we can spend our creative time. I send you my love and wish you both the success you both deserve, for now and in the future and I look forward to seeing Linda's work displayed on the shelves as book of the year one day. Linda has a dream, and its very attainable, because of her wonderful writing talents. You have a place in that dream Tom, and one day we shall all come together as friends and celebrate everything, and I look forward to that day coming. Love and Peace John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 3:01:38 PM
Hi Cosetta, Ron, Kathleen and Kathy, Thank you all for your wonderful words, My only regret is not having more time to get to know you all better, please forgive me. Kathleen, So my friend, a picture of the neigbours cat or dog may well be preferable and much better looking than my own self, I certainly wouldn't change my profile image to please the minority factions here at adlands, nor to comply with POTW rules. This is the very reason I'm in this dedication forum for POTW and not displayed on our front pages. Its because I stood by my own principals, which it seems many here don't, prefering to change like the wind at the whim of others. My profile picture stays, as is, for reasons also pointed out in my bio writings. Love and Peace to all John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 3:14:24 PM
Hi Nancy, Please forgive me telling everyone, but your kindness and genorosity has allowed my humble site The Corner 4 Women to aspire to greater things both now and in the future to come. Both Luella and myself love you so dearly its very difficult to actually express fully what your gift to us really means. You will always have a special place in our hearts and you deserve your place of honour, for being the wonderful loving person you are. Thank you for everything Nancy WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS. Love and Peace John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 3:29:34 PM
Hi Jennifer, Nan and Carla, Thank you all for your encouraging words, Luella and Myself have worked very hard on The Corner 4 Women, we are tireless in our persuit of perfection, we also wanted to give the very essence of ourselves within its structure, myself prefering once again to actually take a back stage stannce and Luella the more public image for The Corner 4 Women. We are the perfect team and the best of partners, complimenting each other in all we do. Love and Peace John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 3:45:16 PM
Hi Jennifer, Patricia and Donna, You are all so very welcome, I really am a humble but very proud man, and my self esteem and confidence were enormous, untill I became a Single parent. The wind taken out of my sails, its taken me many years of hardship financially and lots of inner battling to re-attain my own levels of self worth. I was left with 2 children and over $16,000++ in debt. Then I lost my sole brother too. It was very devastating. but I pulled myself back out of debt and depression. I'm a surviver and always will be. Love And Peace John

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