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Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 12:05:49 AM
Hi John Thank you for your wonderful words. Little did you realize way back in August when you first met me, another Mansfield man, how much you would influence my developement. You became my roll model, not to copy, but to aspire to more than I was. I went through bouts of deep depression, yet somehow you pulled me through. you had faith in my abilities and you became my inspiration. The rest you can see for yourself. I THANK YOU JOHN for your friendship, support and the new life I found through you. I know too how, you also do so much thats unspoken, helping others here. Its time you were honoured here my friend and took your place as a POTW. I sincerely hope one day to be returning here for your week John as you do deserve accolades too. Thank you for everything. Peace and Love John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 12:22:12 AM
Hi Mailyn, Wow and again wow what a touching tribute. Every Libran I've ever met have always been very talented in many things from artists to poets, to musicians and writers. It is supposed to be a typical libran trait. The tragedy continues my friend as each year the 7 apply for parole and the local papers remind us all again, which is very upsetting. I deliberately dont keep a picture of my friend around as he is in my heat and my drawing of the sacred heart, which is my good luck talisman and keeps me safe from harm. You are always welcome to send either Luella or myself anything you wish my friend, as all would be welcome and a place will always be reserved for you. Your words of encouragement for The Corner 4 Women inspires me so and I thank you. Lots of Love John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 12:25:55 AM
Hi Laura, I thank you too my friend, for its friends like yourself that makes me so proud. Your support is well appreciated. Love and Peace John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 12:40:14 AM
Hi Cheryl, I thank you so much for your lovely words. The Corner 4 Women is still a baby yet, not yet wheened, and still in diapers. But is growing well. Both Luella and myself have dedicated our time and lots of effort into producing something we think is special, with our own personal brand of uniqueness, which is gaining a pressence from many directions, all over the world, with our members coming from all walks of life both male and females. We even put translation scripting in place to cater for our growing number of international visitors, from Spain, India and a few from China, which is truly amazing, as the search engines are only just getting there. Love and Peace John
Re: Special Tribute To John Elliott!
4/8/2006 12:53:30 AM
My Dear Amanda, You have supported our special Pray4 e-mails when our friends needed comfort, and I thank you so much. I do know they are much appreciated, but there is only so much anyone can do, but prayers are freely given. They give a premise of eternal hope for those in need of our special thoughts at a time of illness or grief. Its sad that Luella and myself don't here of more. My friend has a special place in my heart, his spirit is alive in my whilst I breath, and is a great comfort to me. Take care I'm proud to be your friend. Love and Peace John

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